php - url rewriting or chage urls for wordpress website links -

i've following website built in wordpress previous developer has created 4 template pages , creates things in posts different 1 of template page code

<?php /* template name: detail */ ?><?php get_header(); ?> <?php include (templatepath . '/banner.php'); ?> <div id="inner_servce_bx">   <!-- inner service bx -->  <?php $cat_id=$_get['catid']; ?>  <div id="inner_heading"> <?php  $title = $wpdb->get_results( "select * $wpdb->terms term_id=$cat_id");      foreach ($title $objt)  {     $main_title =  $objt->name; ?>   <div id="inner_hdng_txt"><?php echo $main_title; ?></div>   <?php } ?>   </div>     <div id="servcs_smal_bx">  <!-- service service bx -->  <?php  $service_id = $wpdb->get_results( "select * $wpdb->term_taxonomy parent=7 order term_id asc");  foreach ($service_id $obj)  { $service_cat_id =  $obj->term_id; ?> <?php  $service_name = $wpdb->get_results( "select * $wpdb->terms term_id=$service_cat_id");  foreach ($service_name $obj1)  { $service_cat_name =  $obj1->name; $service_cat_id = $obj1->term_id; ?>          <div id="servcs_smal_bx1">  <!-- servcs smal bx1 -->         <div id="servc_title_bx">  <!-- servc title bx -->           <div id="title_txt"><?php echo $service_cat_name; ?><br/> <span id="title_txt1"><?php echo category_description( $service_cat_id ); ?></span></div> <!-- servc title bx end -->         <?php query_posts("cat=$service_cat_id&meta_key=short_desc" );  ?>               <?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>             <div id="servc_sml_img"><?php echo get_post_meta($post->id, 'short_img', true); ?></div> <?php endwhile; ?> <?php endif; ?> </div> <!-- servc title bx end --> <?php query_posts("cat=$service_cat_id&meta_key=short_desc" );  ?>               <?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>         <div id="serv_descrip"><?php echo get_post_meta($post->id, 'short_desc', true); ?></div>         <?php endwhile; ?>         <?php endif; ?>         <div id="read_mre1"><a href="index.php/?page_id=53&catid=<?php echo $service_cat_id; ?>">read more...</a></div>         <div id="ser_btm_line"><img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/srvice_line.jpg" width="439" height="42" />         </div>         </div>         <?php } } ?>      </div>  </div> <!-- service service bx end --> <?php get_footer(); ?> 

then on each template page check category called , load category database on template page. urls looks this 

the permalinks set type


is there easy way url's shown in address bar set desired type like 

and how i'll seo optimization???

settings > permalinks

change format want there, using custom structure option. copy , paste below code there , change across website:



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