c++ - vector with characters displaying -

i have problem displaying data entered in register. folowing program wrote displays last register.( ziua=day , inregistrari=registers, data=date (ex. 03.02.2013))

#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; int main() {     char ziua[30],data[30],inregistrari[90];     int n,i;     cout<<"input data"<<endl;     system("pause");     cout<<"\nenter day in want perform register: ";     cin>>ziua;     cout<<"\ndate:";     cin>>data;     cout<<"\nenter number of registers wanna perfom day "<<ziua<<":";     cin>>n;     for(i=1;i<=n;i++)     {         cout<<"\nregister "<<i<<":";         gets(inregistrari);     }     cout<<"the data day of "<<ziua<<" following: ";     cout<<"\ndate: "<<data;     for(i=1;i<=n;i++)     cout<<"\n"<<inregistrari;     getch(); } 

  1. you programming in c++, should use std::string instead of c-style strings.
  2. inregistrari[90] array of characters big enough hold 1 string of max length of 89 chars (+ terminating character), loop seems treating array or strings (although in case gets(inregistrari); keeps on rewriting same string)
  3. function gets deprecated, in c should use fgets instead (yet c++, real solution here should using std::getline)
  4. instead of c-style arrays, use std::vector<std::string> here.
  5. printing inregistrari in body of for loop, each iteration of loop same thing (the printing not depend on i in way)
  6. using namespace std; within global space bad practice
  7. you don't have declare variables @ beginning of function, necessary in old ansi c (about 20 years ago)

here's example how instead:

#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector>  int main() {     std::string day, date;     int registercount;      std::cout << "input data"               << std::endl << std::endl               << "enter day in want perform register: "               << std::endl;     std::cin >> day;     std::cout << "date:" << std::endl;     std::cin >> date;     std::cout << "enter number of registers wanna perfom day "               << day << ":" << std::endl;     std::cin >> registercount;      std::vector<std::string> registers(registercount);     (int = 0; < registercount; ++i)     {         std::cout << "register " << << ":" << std::endl;         std::getline(std::cin, registers[i]);     }      std::cout << "the data day of " << day << " following: "               << std::endl;      std::cout << "date: " << date << std::endl;     (int = 0; < registercount; ++i)         std::cout << registers[i] << std::endl; } 

note might wrap std::getline(std::cin, registers[i]) if statement , check whether valid stream object has been return , in case of empty lines, read empty string might make sure !registers[i].empty().


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