iphone - Adjusting UI based on language -

i developing multi lingual app, supports multiple language based on app settings.user can change language app, using plist store strings, , fetching strings based on language selected. problem here is, language strings long disturbing ui, wanted know ways handle it. cannot go auto layout since have support ios5.0 well. should create different xib different language? best solution. please let me know available solutions , best follow in long term.

thanks in advance!

i think can use method string height , can adjust ui programatically

-(float)calculateheightoftextfromwidth:(nsstring*) text: (uifont*)withfont: (float)width :(uilinebreakmode)linebreakmode {     [text retain];     [withfont retain];     cgsize suggestedsize = [text sizewithfont:withfont constrainedtosize:cgsizemake(width, flt_max) linebreakmode:linebreakmode];     [text release];     [withfont release];     return suggestedsize.height; } 


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