Why Won't Any C# JSON Class Generators Process this JSON Object? -

i've tried 3 different json class generators, error when try generate c# class following json output:

{ "status": "request_status", "language": "document_language", "url": "requested_url", "text": "document_text", "entities": [     "entity": {         "type": "detected_type",         "relevance": "detected_relevance",         "count": "detected_count",         "text": "detected_entity"         "disambiguated": {             "name": "disambiguated_entity",             "subtype": "entity_subtype",             "website": "website",             "geo": "latitude longitude",             "dbpedia": "linked_data_dbpedia",             "yago": "linked_data_yago",             "opencyc": "linked_data_opencyc",             "umbel": "linked_data_umbel",             "freebase": "linked_data_freebase",             "ciafactbook": "linked_data_factbook",             "census": "linked_data_census",             "geonames": "linked_data_geonames",             "musicbrainz": "linked_data_musicbrainz",             "crunchbase": "crunchbase_web_link",         },         "quotations": [             {                 "quotation": "entity_quotation"             }         ],         "sentiment": {             "type": "sentiment_label",             "score": "sentiment_score",             "mixed": "sentiment_mixed"         }     }   ] } 

the error on following line, @ bracket:

"entities": [ 

but examples have found using above 2 tools have examples of using arrays mine, why mine cause exception. exception is, "invalid character , line 7 position 17.

if change straight brackets currly brackets generate that's changing class, right?

things inside of arrays dont have names change

"entities": [    "entity": {       "type": "detected_type", 


"entities": [ {    "type": "detected_type", 


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