sum same column across multiple files using awk ? -

i want add 3rd column of 5 files such new file have same 2nd col , sum of 3rd col of 5 files.

i tried this:

$ cat freqdat044.dat | awk '{n=$3; getline <"freqdat046.dat";print $2" " n+$3}' > freqtrial1.dat   freqdat048.dat`enter code here`$ cat freqdat044.dat | awk '{n=$3; getline <"freqdat046.dat";print $2" " n+$3}' > freqtrial1.dat 

the files names:

freqdat044.dat freqdat045.dat freqdat046.dat freqdat047.dat  freqdat049.dat freqdat050.dat 

and saved in output file contain $2 , new col form summation of 3rd

awk '{x[$2] += $3} end {for(y in x) print y,x[y]}' freqdat044.dat freqdat045.dat freqdat046.dat freqdat047.dat freqdat049.dat freqdat050.dat 

this not print lines appear in first file. if want preserve sorting, have save ordering somewhere:

awk 'fnr==nr {keys[fnr]=$2; cnt=fnr} {x[$2] += $3} end {for(i=1; i<=cnt; ++i) print keys[i],x[keys[i]]}' freqdat044.dat freqdat045.dat freqdat046.dat freqdat047.dat freqdat049.dat freqdat050.dat 


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