android - Data Not Preserved in SQLite after the App Restarted -

my sqlite database not preserving stored data.i getting huge trouble this.i have not found suitable solution this.please 1 me out of this. want store data after app gets restarted. posting dbhelper class , main method.please help.i want preserve data. dbhelper class.

my dbhelper class:

public class dbhelper extends sqliteopenhelper {  private static string db_name = "photodb"; private sqlitedatabase mydatabase;  private dbhelper db; public context mycontext; file dbfile; file dbfilepath; assetmanager myassest; assetfiledescriptor me; cursor ch;  public dbhelper(context mycontext) {       super(mycontext, db_name, null, 1);     this.mycontext = mycontext;      system.out.println("context value:--"+mycontext);     string state=environment.getexternalstoragestate();     system.out.println("my storage state:-"+state);  }     public void createdatabase(context mycontext) throws ioexception{      boolean dbexist = checkdatabase();     if(dbexist){         system.out.println("yes");         string path = dbfile.getabsolutepath();          system.out.println("my database path:--"+path);     }     if(!dbexist)     {         dbfile= new file(environment.getexternalstoragedirectory().getabsolutepath()+"/"+"photoapp");         boolean flag=dbfile.mkdir();         dbfilepath = new file(environment.getexternalstoragedirectory().getabsolutepath()+"/"+"photoapp"+"/"+"photodb");         dbfilepath.createnewfile();           system.out.println("not..."+flag);          try {              copydatabase();          } catch (ioexception e) {             throw new error("error copying database");         }     }     }  public boolean checkdatabase() {     dbfile = new        file(environment.getexternalstoragedirectory().getabsolutepath()+"/"+"photodb");     return dbfile.exists(); }  private void copydatabase() throws ioexception{      inputstream myinput = mycontext.getassets().open("photodb");     string outfilename = dbfilepath.getabsolutepath();     outputstream myoutput = new fileoutputstream(outfilename);     byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];     int length;     while ((length =>0){         myoutput.write(buffer, 0, length);     }      myoutput.flush();     myoutput.close();     myinput.close();  }  public void opendatabase() throws sqlexception{      string mypath =      environment.getexternalstoragedirectory().getabsolutepath()+"/"+"photoapp"+"/"+"photodb" ;      system.out.println("my database path:----"+mypath);     mydatabase = sqlitedatabase.opendatabase(mypath, null,     sqlitedatabase.open_readwrite); }  @override public synchronized void close() {     if(mydatabase != null)         mydatabase.close();     super.close(); }  @override public void oncreate(sqlitedatabase db) {  }  @override public synchronized sqlitedatabase getwritabledatabase() {      return super.getwritabledatabase(); }  @override public void onupgrade(sqlitedatabase db, int oldversion, int newversion) {   }  public void add(string imagepath,string description,string location) {     long rowid;     contentvalues myvalue = new contentvalues();     myvalue.put("imagepath",imagepath);     myvalue.put("description", description);     myvalue.put("location", location);      system.out.println("my image path:-"+imagepath+"my        description:--"+description+"my location:--"+location);     string sql = "insert photodetails          values(null,'"+imagepath+"','"+description+"','"+location+"');";     mydatabase.execsql(sql);     rowid = mydatabase.insert("photodetails", "id", myvalue);     system.out.println("my row id is:----"+rowid);     system.out.println("db updated"); }  public arraylist<string> getimages(){      ch = mydatabase.rawquery("select imagepath photodetails" , null);     arraylist <string> imageloc = new arraylist<string>();       if(ch.getcount() > 0){         ch.movetofirst();                 {             imageloc.add(ch.getstring(0));          }while(ch.movetonext());     }      return imageloc; }           public arraylist<string> getdescriptions(){      ch = mydatabase.rawquery("select description photodetails" , null);      arraylist <string> des = new arraylist<string>();       if(ch.getcount() > 0){         ch.movetofirst();                 {              des.add(ch.getstring(0));          }while(ch.movetonext());     }      return des; }     public arraylist<string> getlocations(){  ch = mydatabase.rawquery("select location photodetails" , null);  arraylist <string> local = new arraylist<string>();  if(ch.getcount() > 0){     ch.movetofirst();         {          local.add(ch.getstring(0));     }while(ch.movetonext()); }  return local;     }    } 

this mainactivity :

 public class mainactivity extends activity {   dbhelper mydb; context cont; arraylist<string> myval = new arraylist<string>();  @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);     mydb = new dbhelper(mainactivity.this);      try {         mydb.createdatabase(mainactivity.this);     } catch (ioexception e) {         // todo auto-generated catch block         e.printstacktrace();     }      mydb.opendatabase();     mydb.add("helloworld", "done", "yes");     mydb.add("helloworld", "done", "yes");     mydb.add("helloworld", "done", "yes");     mydb.add("helloworld", "done", "yes");     mydb.add("helloworld", "done", "yes");     mydb.add("helloworld", "done", "yes");     mydb.add("helloworld", "done", "yes");     mydb.add("helloworld", "done", "yes");     mydb.add("helloworld", "done", "yes");     mydb.add("helloworld", "done", "yes");     myval = mydb.getimages();     int i=myval.size();     system.out.println("size:----"+i);     finish();    // mydb.opendatabase(); }   @override public boolean oncreateoptionsmenu(menu menu) {     // inflate menu; adds items action bar if present.     getmenuinflater().inflate(, menu);     return true; }  } 

change method

public boolean checkdatabase() {     dbfile = new file(environment.getexternalstoragedirectory().getabsolutepath()+"/"+"photodb");     return dbfile.exists(); } 


public boolean checkdatabase() {         dbfile = new file(environment.getexternalstoragedirectory().getabsolutepath()+"/"+"photoapp");         return dbfile.exists();     } 

check , let me know


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