php - setting Default Text inside Yii textarea -

i'm new yii , facing issues it. hope pros here can me solve this. bought script online , editing needs.

i want have text area default texts. example;

name: age: sex: 

what generating now:

<textarea class="span vertical medium" name="maccount[accountinfo]" id="maccount_accountinfo"></textarea> 

what want generate,or :

<textarea class="span vertical medium" name="maccount[accountinfo]" id="maccount_accountinfo">name: <br> age: <br> sex:</textarea> 

something above. able produce textarea blank/no content.below code,it located inside worklet.;

public function properties() {     $properties = array(         'elements' => array(             'accountinfo' => array(                 'type' => 'textarea',                 'class' => 'span vertical medium',             ),             'email' => array(                 'disabled' => true,                 'append' => $this->model()->role == 'unverified' ? $this->t('unverified') : $this->t('verified'),                 'hint' => $this->model()->role == 'unverified' ? $this->resendbtn() : '',             ),             wm()->get('project.edit.buttons', array('step' => $this->step, 'projectid' => $this->project->id))->render('tools', array(), true),         ),         'model' => $this->model(),         'class' => 'projecteditform',     );      return $properties; } 

default values set in model, not in view. have in model/ directory , locate right model there. there can add

public $accountinfo = "name:\nage:\nsex:"; 


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