cross browser - Plone Dexterity Type to Embed SWF File Internet Explorer Not Working -

using dexterity on plone 4.2 have created custom type enables user upload .ogg, .mp4, .webm , .swf files, these displayed using <video> element.

i have run problem in seems internet explorer doesn't know how hold of swf file.

below view type:

<video width="320" height="240" controls autoplay>   <source src=""     tal:condition="context/ogg_video_file"     tal:attributes="src string:${context/absolute_url}/@@download/ogg_video_file/${context/ogg_video_file/filename}"     type="video/ogg"   />   <source src=""     tal:condition="context/video_file"     tal:attributes="src string:${context/absolute_url}/@@download/video_file/${context/video_file/filename};"     type="video/mp4"   />   <source src=""     tal:condition="context/webm_video_file"     tal:attributes="src string:${context/absolute_url}/@@download/webm_video_file/${context/webm_video_file/filename}"       type="video/webm"   />   <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553549d43"     width="320" height="240" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">     <param name="movie"       tal:attributes="value string:${context/absolute_url}/@@download/swf_video_file/${context/swf_video_file/filename}"/>     <param name="flashvars" value=""/>     <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/>     <param name="allowfullscreenaccess" value="true"/>     <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff"/>     <embed width="320" height="240" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"       tal:attributes="src string:${context/absolute_url}/@@download/swf_video_file/${context/swf_video_file/filename}"/>   </object>f]-->   </object>       </video> 

everything works expected until internet explorer 8 or below loaded up, doesn't support <video> element render <object> element, doesn't seem find or play swf file.

i have tried:

  • moving <object> outside of <video>
  • using swfobject.js
  • testing out same code hardcoded swf files , no tales (this works in ie)
  • separating each element see 3 tags (<video>, <object>, <embed>) make sure 1 of tags isn't being overridden (they still not work in ie)
  • following output paths in html swf files in inter explorer (this works , prompted download swf file)
  • taking note of answer non-plone related similar question (unfortunately didn't in instance)

so know code works, can't figure out why not seeing video. when right click video should be in ie, see:

movie not loaded... adobe flash player 10... 

if shed light on situation appreciated.

more information follow attempt carry on fixing myself, suspicious of code


it seems after modifying <object> code following:

  <object     width="320" height="240" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"     tal:attributes="data string:${context/absolute_url}/@@download/swf_video_file/${context/swf_video_file/filename}"     id="swf_video">     <param name="movie"       tal:attributes="value string:${context/absolute_url}/@@download/swf_video_file/${context/swf_video_file/filename}"/>     <param name="flashvars" value=""/>     <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/>     <param name="allowfullscreenaccess" value="true"/>     <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff"/>   </object> 

internet explorer seems download flash movie not play it. (i can see little message "1 item remaining" while page loading, , takes quite while go away, assume means it's downloading video still not playing it. right clicking video still shows me same movie not loaded... message

the box see disappears item has finished downloading: the box see disappears item has finished downloading

i looking flowplayer perhaps give me more 'finished' experience internet explorer (instead of merely embedded swf file) when stumbled across handy generator:

after bit of tales-ifying want.

code else struggling similar problem:

<video width="320" height="240" controls="controls">   <source src=""     tal:condition="context/webm_video_file"     tal:attributes="src string:${context/absolute_url}/@@download/webm_video_file/${context/webm_video_file/filename}"     type="video/webm"   />   <source src=""     tal:condition="context/video_file"     tal:attributes="src string:${context/absolute_url}/@@download/video_file/${context/video_file/filename};"     type="video/mp4"   />   <source src=""     tal:condition="context/ogg_video_file"     tal:attributes="src string:${context/absolute_url}/@@download/ogg_video_file/${context/ogg_video_file/filename}"     type="video/ogg"   />               <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"      data="" width="320" height="240">         <param name="movie" value="" />         <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" />         <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />         <param name="flashvars"        tal:attributes="value string:config={'playlist':[{'url':'${context/absolute_url}/@@download/video_file/${context/video_file/filename}','autoplay':true}]}"/>         <span title="no video playback capabilities, please download video below"></span>     </object> </video> 

the code uses html5 browsers support falls flowplayer's flash implementation older ones. looks uses <param name="movie"/> tag pull in flash player , <param name="flashvars"/> tag pass url of video file flowplayer.


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