iphone - How to integrate Vimeo in IOS? -

i integrate vimeo in app.i had gone through vimeo developer site.every thing ok unable authenticate.i had gone through oauth tutorial,but found difficulty in understanding.my deadline short.i found link not felt easy , good.if 1 had worked on it,please guide me.

at first dragged oauthconsumer files in project


"iphone ready" means need add files xcode, , import "oauthconsumer.h".

if you're rolling iphone:

1) sure add security.framework.

2) include libxml2.dylib in frameworks. need add build property project -- "header search paths" needs include "$sdkroot/usr/include/libxml2" "recursive" checked.

in viewcontroller.h

#import "oaconsumer.h" #import "oamutableurlrequest.h" #import "oadatafetcher.h"   @property(nonatomic,strong) oatoken  *accesstoken; @property(nonatomic,strong) iboutlet uiwebview *webview; 

in viewcontroller.m

@synthesize accesstoken; @synthesize webview;   - (void)viewdidload { [super viewdidload]; // additional setup after loading view, typically nib.     // additional setup after loading view, typically nib.  oaconsumer *consumer = [[oaconsumer alloc] initwithkey:@"fa9374b9fc90f2ffd7b4p8k3776530fa6023985b"                                                 secret:@"d6242b63d435757526u87e7ceca98ffdcd8d9d55e"];  nsurl *url = [nsurl urlwithstring:@"https://vimeo.com/oauth/request_token"];   oamutableurlrequest *request = [[oamutableurlrequest alloc] initwithurl:url                                                                consumer:consumer                                                                   token:nil                                                                   realm:nil                                                       signatureprovider:nil];  [request setparameters: [nsarray arraywithobjects: [[oarequestparameter alloc] initwithname: @"oauth_callback" value: @"http://vimeo.com/api/rest/v2?format=json&method=vimeo.videos.search&qdfduery=amir+khan"] ,nil]];  [request sethttpmethod:@"get"];  oadatafetcher *fetcher = [[oadatafetcher alloc] init];  [fetcher fetchdatawithrequest:request                       delegate:self              didfinishselector:@selector(requesttokenticket:didfinishwithdata:)                didfailselector:nil];   }     - (void)requesttokenticket:(oaserviceticket *)ticket didfinishwithdata:(nsdata *)data { if (ticket.didsucceed) {         nsstring *responsebody = [[nsstring alloc] initwithdata:data                                                    encoding:nsutf8stringencoding];     oatoken *requesttoken = [[oatoken alloc] initwithhttpresponsebody:responsebody];     nslog(@"data %@",requesttoken);      oamutableurlrequest *request;      if (self.accesstoken != nil)     {         self.accesstoken = nil;     }      self.accesstoken = [[oatoken alloc] initwithhttpresponsebody:responsebody];     nslog(@"access token key %@",self.accesstoken.key) ;     nslog(@"access token secret %@",self.accesstoken.secret) ;     nsurl *url = [nsurl urlwithstring:@"https://vimeo.com/oauth/authorize"];     oaconsumer *consumer = [[oaconsumer alloc] initwithkey:self.accesstoken.key                                                     secret:self.accesstoken.secret];      request = [[oamutableurlrequest alloc] initwithurl:url                                               consumer:consumer                                                  token:self.accesstoken                                                  realm:nil                                      signatureprovider:nil];      oarequestparameter *p0 = [[oarequestparameter alloc] initwithname:@"oauth_token" value:self.accesstoken.key];     nsarray *params = [nsarray arraywithobject:p0];     [request setparameters:params];     [webview loadrequest:request];     nslog(@"request %@",request);       } } 


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