c++ - BlackBerry 10 - Dialog Box -

i m developing 1 app contact reading . in contact adding page have created textfields first name n last name , phone number etc. , have created 1 actionitem save or create contact . this

acceptaction: actionitem {         title: (_contactread.contacteditor.mode == contacteditor.createmode ? qstr ("create" ) : qstr ("save"))          ontriggered: {             _contactread.contacteditor.savecontact()              navigationpane.pop()         }     } 

i want display pop (dialog box or toast) when click on save or create contact. tried add open() in ontriggered confused how , create dialog box.

please me out....

use --> alert(tr("contact saved"));

refer following sample


 button {             horizontalalignment: horizontalalignment.center              text: qstr("update")              onclicked: {                 _app.updaterecord(idupdatetextfield.text, firstnameupdatetextfield.text, lastnameupdatetextfield.text);             }         } 

-----------------cpp file-------------------

bool app::updaterecord(const qstring &customerid, const qstring &firstname, const qstring &lastname) {       bool intconversiongood = false;     const int customeridkey = customerid.toint(&intconversiongood);     if (!intconversiongood) {         alert(tr("you must provide valid integer key."));         return false;     }       qsqldatabase database = qsqldatabase::database();      qsqlquery query(database);     const qstring sqlcommand = "update customers "                                "    set firstname = :firstname, lastname = :lastname"                                "    customerid = :customerid";     query.prepare(sqlcommand);     query.bindvalue(":firstname", firstname);     query.bindvalue(":lastname", lastname);     query.bindvalue(":customerid", customeridkey);       bool updated = false;     if (query.exec()) {          if (query.numrowsaffected() > 0) {             alert(tr("customer id=%1 updated.").arg(customerid));             updated = true;         } else {             alert(tr("customer id=%1 not found.").arg(customerid));         }     } else {         alert(tr("sql error: %1").arg(query.lasterror().text()));     }       database.close();      return updated; } 

for sample app here


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