java - Where to get a simple android API Client? -

many of need perform web service data servers used in our android apps. have developed simple android api client using restful api. library easy use , simple http request support 4 http methods (get, post, put, , delete).

with library can build http request , handle it's response result categories 5 categories:

  1. informational response.
  2. successful response.
  3. client error response.
  4. server error response.
  5. exception response.

in answer there simple example on how use library.


here link library on github

you can import jar (android-api-client.jar) file project bin folder.

with library can specifiy following parameter:

  • set base uri of call.
  • set http method.
  • add paths, parameters, , headers.
  • set content type.
  • set entity/content/body.
  • set connection , socket timeout.
  • set connection , socket timeout retry count.
  • set whether enable retry when connection or socket timeout happens.
  • execute request in 3 ways: block, thread, or async task.
  • set handlers result different response codes: informational, successful, clienterror, , servererror.
  • get response entity ( response code,content, content length, , headers).

example on how build first api call , handle result:

    apiclient apiclient = new apiclientbuilder()     .setbaseuri("http://localhost:8181")     .addpath("webservices")     .addpath("rest")     .addpath("accout")     .addpath("create")     .addparam("username", "user123")     .addparam("firstname", "mike")     .addparam("lastname", "norm")     .addparam("password", "p@ssw0rd")     .addparam("email", "")     .addheader("contenttype", "application/xml")     .settextcontent("<root><test>this test</test></root>")     .setmethod(     .setconnectiontimeout(6000)     .setsockettimeout(6000)     .build();      //execute , handle result     apiclient.executeonasynctask(new apiclienthandler()     {          @override         public void oninformational(status status, string responsestatus, responseentity entity)         {             log.i("apiclient", "response content code: " + status.code());             log.i("apiclient", "response content status: " + responsestatus);             log.i("apiclient", "response content lenght: " + entity.getcontentlength());             log.i("apiclient:", "response content string: " + entity.getresponsecontentasstring());          }          @override         public void onsuccessful(status status, string responsestatus, responseentity entity)         {             log.v("apiclient", "response content code: " + status.code());             log.v("apiclient", "response content status: " + responsestatus);             log.v("apiclient", "response content lenght: " + entity.getcontentlength());             log.v("apiclient:", "response content string: " + entity.getresponsecontentasstring());          }          @override         public void onclienterror(status status, string responsestatus, responseentity entity)         {             log.v("apiclient", "response content code: " + status.code());             log.v("apiclient", "response content status: " + responsestatus);             log.v("apiclient", "response content lenght: " + entity.getcontentlength());             log.v("apiclient:", "response content string: " + entity.getresponsecontentasstring());          }          @override         public void onservererror(status status, string responsestatus, responseentity entity)         {             log.e("apiclient", "response content code: " + status.code());             log.e("apiclient", "response content status: " + responsestatus);             log.e("apiclient", "response content lenght: " + entity.getcontentlength());             log.e("apiclient:", "response content string: " + entity.getresponsecontentasstring());          }          @override         public void onredirection(status status, string responsestatus, responseentity entity)         {             log.i("apiclient", "response content code: " + status.code());             log.i("apiclient", "response content status: " + responsestatus);             log.i("apiclient", "response content lenght: " + entity.getcontentlength());             log.i("apiclient:", "response content string: " + entity.getresponsecontentasstring());          }          @override         public void onexception(exceptionstatus exceptionstatus, exception e)         {             log.e("apiclient", "exception code: " + exceptionstatus.code());             log.e("apiclient", "exception: " + e.getmessage());         }      }); 


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