list the values of a product attribute set in magento -

how find values of product's attribute set?

for example, there's product attribute set called shirts - t, attributes of gender, shirt size, , color. starting $_product object, how find values of attributes, e.g. mens, green, large?

i able getting attribute set value in following way:

$product = mage::getmodel('catalog/product')->load($productid);         $prodattributeset = mage::getmodel('eav/entity_attribute_set')->load($product->getattributesetid())->getattributesetname(); 

i want available attribute set values , codes specific attribute set(i.e shirt - t)

$_product = mage::getmodel('catalog/product')->load($productid); 

now suppose want access value of manufacturer of product, consider following code.

$manufacturervalue = $_product->getattributetext('manufacturer'); 


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