html - How to style widget with post count different than without post count -

i have border below li elements in wordpress widget types appropriate. element inside set block gives them nice easy click full width.

the problem, when choose option "show post count" when adding widget such categories or archives displays post count plain text after tag , because tag block pushes post number text line below.

whether choose show post count or not show post count still gives exact same element identifyer example "widget_categories". how style post count not on next line still keep links non post count list items full width?

here's example on sidebar

in order solve problem need remove


for ul.widgets ul a , add in it's place

line-height: 33px; 

what going achieve have same visual effect.

what going lose doing links going work on text , not on "box".

the other way out of find post count coming , make changes this. example change text count inside <span class="post_count"> can apply css formatting on class in order fix problem properly.

hope helps


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