ruby on rails - NameError: uninitialized constant Faker:: -

before(:all)      puts "hello :d" end 

i have problem code:


require 'faker' factorygirl.define     factory :booking_error      booking_id       { faker::number.number(3).to_i }     error_type_cd    bookingerror.error_types.values.shuffle.first     process_name     enums::flightenum::processes.keys.shuffle.first     description      "description"     old_value        "old_string"     new_value        "new_string"     end end 


require 'spec_helper' describe bookingerror     before(:all)         @booking_error       =         @booking_error_types = bookingerror.error_types     end      'validating bookingerror save.' be_true     end end 


source ''  gem 'rails', '3.2.13'  gem 'mysql2'                , '0.3.11' gem 'devise'                , '2.2.0.rc' gem 'devise-encryptable'    , '0.1.1' gem 'unicorn'               , '4.5.0' gem 'kaminari'              , '0.14.1' gem 'memcache-client'       , '1.8.5' gem 'simple_enum'           , '1.6.4' gem 'resque'                , '1.23.0'    , :require => "resque/server" gem 'resque-logger'         , '0.1.0' gem 'resque-workers-lock' gem 'whenever'              , '0.8.1'     , :require => false gem 'httparty'              , '0.9.0' gem 'newrelic_rpm'          , '' gem 'cancan'                , '1.6.8' gem 'rolify'                , '3.2.0' gem 'json-schema'           , '1.1.1' gem 'faker'                 , '1.1.2' gem 'ruby-enum'             , '0.2.1' gem 'mail'                  , '2.5.4' gem 'daemons-rails'  group :develop, :test   gem 'capistrano'          , '2.13.5'   gem 'capistrano-unicorn'  , '0.1.6'     , :require => false   gem 'capistrano-resque'   , '~> 0.1.0'  , :require => false   gem 'rvm-capistrano'      , '1.2.7'   gem 'capistrano-ext'   gem 'rspec-rails'         , '2.12.0'   gem 'debugger'            , '1.5.0'   gem 'thin'                , '1.5.0'   gem 'annotate'            , '2.5.0'   gem 'factory_girl_rails'  , '4.1.0'   gem 'yard'                , '' end   # gems used assets , not required # in production environments default. group :assets   gem 'therubyracer'            , '0.10.2'   gem 'coffee-rails'            , '3.2.2'   gem 'uglifier'                , '1.3.0'   gem 'twitter-bootstrap-rails' , '2.1.9'   gem 'sass'                    , '3.2.4'   gem 'jquery-ui-rails'         , '3.0.0'   gem 'less-rails'              , '2.2.6' end  gem 'jquery-rails'              , '2.1.4' 

when run:

$ rspec spec/models/booking_error_spec.rb 

i error in title:

nameerror: uninitialized constant faker::number 

number didn't exist in faker @ version using (1.1.2). update version 1.2.0 , work.


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