ruby - Alternative to "rescue Exception" -

i unexpected errors on occasion such timeout errors, 503 errors, etc. there errors don't know may receive. can't account of them doing like:

rescue timeout::error => e 

it's terrible idea rescue exception.

what alternative use? want code rescue of them when there error; if there no error, need avoided. want able kill script not skip on syntax errors, etc.

you can rescue standarderror, or rescue, same:

rescue standarderror => e # or rescue => e 

you can see in following table exceptions rescued standarderror - note subset exception, , conceitually should errors ok catch.

of course can have gems defines exception in wrong place, should not happen in well-developed gems.

ruby exceptions

i rescue exceptions know how handle, except when add in log/backtrace system consult errors later. if case, rescue standarderror


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