Why does LDAP requires a two step "login" (connect and then bind) -

there's thing don't understand concerning ldap (conceptually speaking, , - @ least think - not tied particular implementation).

i noticed typical ldap client library(for example apache ds) connect() first (for servers might require username/password), , executes bind() operation (which requires username , password).


  • what point of 2 step operation in ldap?
  • does add security?
  • why not single step ?
  • what conceptual signification of these 2 steps ?

when ldap client connects ldap server, connection unauthenticated. clients use bind operation authenticate connection. server processes requests on connection using authorization state of connection privileges , access control thereto.

some (if not most) ldap apis offer single-step connection , bind, 1 must provide credentials of user, or pre-constructed bind request (there different types of bind requests, simple , sasl). in case describe, api establishing connection server , issuing bind request server. if successful, connection's authorization state set. "convenience" method clients.

separating connection bind (the 2 steps mention), done same connection can used different authorization states. each bind resets authorization state of connection. ldap client can connect, bind using 1 user , credentials, perform operations user, send bind request on same connection change authorization state of different user. enables client , server more efficient since connection need not made more once. supported ldapv3.

the unbind request's name relic of ldapv2, did not allow multiple authorization states per connection. unbind not opposite of bind, , disconnect discovered. ldap clients using ldapv3 can transmit bind request change authorization state of connection. misnamed unbind request not "un-authorize" state, merely disconnects ldap client ldap server.

see also:


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