java - Xuggler Transcoder error -

i tried follow instructions here:

all worked fine, xuggler has been installed no errors, tests passed when try start transcoder error:

root@heb1:~# java -jar transcoder-1.0.jar 11:25:28.902 [main] warn  com.xuggle.ferry.jnilibrary - failure: library load of library: xuggle; url: /tmp/xuggle/xuggle6615346873936202632.tmp; error: java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror: /tmp/xuggle/xuggle6615346873936202632.tmp: /usr/lib/ version `glibcxx_3.4.15' not found (required /tmp/xuggle/xuggle6615346873936202632.tmp) 11:25:46.673 [main] error com.xuggle.xuggler - url: rtmp://localhost/live/b; error: not find output format (../../../../../../../csrc/com/xuggle/xuggler/container.cpp:513) java.lang.runtimeexception: not open output url: rtmp://localhost/live/b         @ com.xuggle.xuggler.converter.setupstreams(         @         @ 

so transcoder sees input stream, output says can't find output format, althow send xuggler:

string[] parameters = new string[] { "--acodec", "libfaac", "--vcodec",                     "libx264", "--vpreset",                     "/usr/local/xuggler/share/ffmpeg/libx264-ultrafast.ffpreset",                     inputstream, outputstream }; 


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