firefox addon - javascript can't use xul's oncommand? -

i writing firefox extension , wondering if possible use xul's 'oncommand' in .js file include xul. may sounds stupid decided ask 100% sure it's impossible (or possible :))

i can use in situation (xul file):

  <toolbarpalette id="browsertoolbarpalette">    <toolbarbutton id="quizy-toolbar-button"       class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional"       label="test"       tooltiptext="test button"       oncommand="engine.iconcommand()"    />  </toolbarpalette> 

and in included .js doesn't work.

 document.oncommand = function(e){    alert('tango down');  }; 

no, there no oncommand property (watch bug 246720).

but can listen command event, right way after all.


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