jquery - Creating drop downs from a unordered list -

there unordered list want create drop downs using jquery. want create 6 drop downs this:

producttype - abc, xyz

reportnames - report1, report2

startdate - 2010, 2011

startmonth - may, june

enddate - 2010, 2011

endmonth - may, june

and clicking on these drop down elements update rest of drop downs. 1 guy stackoverflow helped me create these drop downs out of json object. want have same thing ul , lis. please me out!!

here demo of 1 created json - http://jsfiddle.net/lnv9d/7/

and here unordered list -

  <html>  <head>     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii">     <style>         <!-- .decisiontree {             display:none         }         -->     </style> </head>  <body>     <ul class="decisiontree producttype">         <li><span>abc</span>              <ul class="reporttype">                 <li><span>report 1</span>                      <ul class="reportyearstart">                         <li><span>2011</span>                              <ul class="reportmonthstart">                                 <li><span>july</span>                                  </li>                                 <li><span>june</span>                                  </li>                             </ul>                         </li>                         <li><span>2010</span>                              <ul class="reportmonthstart">                                 <li><span>december</span>                                  </li>                                 <li><span>november</span>                                  </li>                             </ul>                         </li>                     </ul>                     <ul class="reportyear">                         <li><span>2011</span>                              <ul class="reportmonth">                                 <li><span>july</span>                                  </li>                                 <li><span>june</span>                                  </li>                             </ul>                         </li>                         <li><span>2010</span>                              <ul class="reportmonth">                                 <li><span>december</span>                                  </li>                                 <li><span>november</span>                                  </li>                             </ul>                         </li>                     </ul>                 </li>                 <li><span>report 2</span>                      <ul class="reportyearstart">                         <li><span>2011</span>                              <ul class="reportmonthstart">                                 <li><span>july</span>                                  </li>                                 <li><span>june</span>                                  </li>                             </ul>                         </li>                         <li><span>2010</span>                              <ul class="reportmonthstart">                                 <li><span>october</span>                                  </li>                                 <li><span>september</span>                                  </li>                             </ul>                         </li>                     </ul>                     <ul class="reportyear">                         <li><span>2011</span>                              <ul class="reportmonth">                                 <li><span>april</span>                                  </li>                                 <li><span>march</span>                                  </li>                             </ul>                         </li>                         <li><span>2010</span>                              <ul class="reportmonth">                                 <li><span>august</span>                                  </li>                                 <li><span>july</span>                                  </li>                             </ul>                         </li>                     </ul>                 </li>             </ul>         </li>         <li><span>xyz</span>              <ul class="reporttype">                 <li><span>report 3</span>                      <ul class="reportyearstart">                         <li><span>2020</span>                              <ul class="reportmonthstart">                                 <li><span>july</span>                                  </li>                                 <li><span>june</span>                                  </li>                             </ul>                         </li>                         <li><span>2021</span>                              <ul class="reportmonthstart">                                 <li><span>december</span>                                  </li>                                 <li><span>november</span>                                  </li>                             </ul>                         </li>                     </ul>                     <ul class="reportyear">                         <li><span>2022</span>                              <ul class="reportmonth">                                 <li><span>july</span>                                  </li>                                 <li><span>june</span>                                  </li>                             </ul>                         </li>                         <li><span>2023</span>                              <ul class="reportmonth">                                 <li><span>december</span>                                  </li>                                 <li><span>november</span>                                  </li>                             </ul>                         </li>                     </ul>                 </li>                 <li><span>report 4</span>                      <ul class="reportyearstart">                         <li><span>2024</span>                              <ul class="reportmonthstart">                                 <li><span>july</span>                                  </li>                                 <li><span>june</span>                                  </li>                             </ul>                         </li>                         <li><span>2025</span>                              <ul class="reportmonthstart">                                 <li><span>october</span>                                  </li>                                 <li><span>september</span>                                  </li>                             </ul>                         </li>                     </ul>                     <ul class="reportyear">                         <li><span>2026</span>                              <ul class="reportmonth">                                 <li><span>april</span>                                  </li>                                 <li><span>march</span>                                  </li>                             </ul>                         </li>                         <li><span>2027</span>                              <ul class="reportmonth">                                 <li><span>august</span>                                  </li>                                 <li><span>july</span>                                  </li>                             </ul>                         </li>                     </ul>                 </li>             </ul>         </li>     </ul> </body> 

i did 3 of selects, should have idea there on:

you should use direct children selectors $("parent > children") select direct li's , spans. , since none of stuff has id's, need :contains selector find spans text.

$("#root > li > span").each(function(){     $("#producttype").append("<option value='" + $(this).text() + "'>" + $(this).text() + "</option>"); });  $("#producttype").on("change",function(){     var selected = $(this).val(); //selected value     $("#reportname").empty(); //clears reports     $("#reportname").append("<option value='-1'>select</option>"); //adds empty item      //selector: selects li's text (abc, or xyz), - select span children     $("li:contains('" + selected + "') > ul > li > span").each(function()     {         $("#reportname").append("<option value='" + $(this).text() + "'>" + $(this).text() + "</option>");     }); });  $("#reportname").on("change",function(){     var selected = $(this).val(); //selected value     $("#startdate").empty(); //clears reports     $("#startdate").append("<option value='-1'>select</option>"); //adds empty item      //selector: selects li's text, - select span children     $(".reporttype > li:contains('" + selected + "') > ul > li > span").each(function()     {         $("#startdate").append("<option value='" + $(this).text() + "'>" + $(this).text() + "</option>");     }); }); 

give main ul id:

<ul id="root" class="decisiontree producttype"> 

here working: jsfiddle

notice after second select use class selector (like .reporttype). can start using better select elements.


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