How to load SVM model fitted/ensembles with libsvm in R -

how can load svm model thas ensabled ensemblesvm referenced here?

i can export fitted models in r (e1071) 'libsvm' format

write.svm(model1, svm.file = "model1.svm") write.svm(model2, svm.file = "model2.svm") 

then build ensemble (doc)

merge-models -model1 model1.svm -model2 model2.svm -o model.ensable.svm 

the output result in 'libsvm' file format.

now how can load ensemble r , predict new data it?

i author of ensemblesvm package. unfortunately, package not have r interface yet. currently, option call esvm-predict via command line on test data , load file containing predictions (set using -o flag). note ensemble not in exact libsvm format. though looks similar, cannot read ensemble model using libsvm tools.

you can use r's system() invoke esvm-predict via command line. it's worth, interfaces r, matlab , python under development currently. hope have them ready end of year, along bunch of other goodies.


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