How can I pass named arguments to a Django view method? -

i have view method 2 additional parameters:

def foo(request, email, token):     ... 

and need use reverse generate url:

    ...     url = urlresolvers.reverse(         '',         kwargs={ 'token': <token>, 'email': <email> }) 
  1. is use of reverse reasonable/acceptable, and
  2. what url pattern foo like?

1 - yes, far goes, of course fail without urlpattern. can use either args or kwargs, depending on case. here can use args, both required args view function.

2 - here's urlpattern going, regex example, don't know regex needs be.

url(r'^/(?p<email>[-\w]+)/(?p<token>\d{1,2})/$', '', name='foo'), 

named urls pattern habit of doing. can pass name reverse function too:

url = urlresolvers.reverse(     'foo',     args=['<email>', '<token>'] 


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