ios - Refreshing annotations mix photos -

first time view controller load, download data web service, use details add annotations. when tap button download again data , put in on again, wrong photos each , every time. tried clear cache , doesn't help, tried lot of ways. ideas?


- (void)addcustomerstomap {     marker = nil;     profilepics = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init];      if ([self.usersnearme iskindofclass:[nsdictionary class]])     {         nsdictionary *singleuser = (nsdictionary*)self.usersnearme;         self.usersnearme = [[nsarray alloc] initwithobjects:singleuser, nil];     }     if ([self.usersnearme iskindofclass:[nsarray class]])     {         (int  = 0; < self.usersnearme.count; i++)         {             nsdictionary *dict = self.usersnearme[i];             float lat = [[dict objectforkey:@"lat"] floatvalue];             float lon = [[dict objectforkey:@"lon"] floatvalue];             nsstring *name = [dict objectforkey:@"name"];             nsstring *time = [dict objectforkey:@"time"];             nsstring *picurl = [dict objectforkey:@"pictureurl"];             [profilepics addobject:picurl];             cllocationcoordinate2d mloc = cllocationcoordinate2dmake(lat, lon);               if ([picurl isequaltostring:@"empty"])             {                 marker = [[customermarker alloc] initwithlocation:mloc title:name andsubtitle:time andurlstring:nil andimageperson:[uiimage imagenamed:@"user"]];             }             else if ([picurl isequaltostring:@"system"])             {                 marker = [[customermarker alloc] initwithlocation:mloc title:name andsubtitle:time andurlstring:nil andimageperson:[uiimage imagenamed:@"police_icon"]];             }             else             {                 nsstring *completeurl = @"";                 completeurl = [completeurl stringbyappendingstring:kprofile_image_url];                 completeurl = [completeurl stringbyappendingstring:@"/2/"];                 completeurl = [completeurl stringbyappendingstring:picurl];                 completeurl = [completeurl stringbyappendingstring:@".png"];                   nsurl *url = [nsurl urlwithstring:completeurl];                 nsurlrequest *urlrequest = [nsurlrequest requestwithurl:url];                 [nsurlconnection sendasynchronousrequest:urlrequest queue:[nsoperationqueue mainqueue] completionhandler:^(nsurlresponse *response, nsdata *responsedata, nserror *error) {                     if (responsedata) {                         nsstring  *imagename = completeurl.lastpathcomponent;                         nsstring *imagepath = [[self documentsdirectorypath] stringbyappendingstring:imagename];                         nslog(@"imagepath: %@", imagepath);                         [responsedata writetofile:imagepath atomically:yes];                         marker = [[customermarker alloc] initwithlocation:mloc title:name andsubtitle:time andurlstring:nil andimageperson:[uiimage imagewithcontentsoffile:imagepath]];                          dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{                             [self.btnrefreshusers setimage:[uiimage imagewithcontentsoffile:imagepath] forstate:uicontrolstatenormal];                             [self.mapview viewforannotation:marker];                             [self.mapview addannotation:marker];                         });                     }                 }];             }         }     }      self.btnrefreshusers.userinteractionenabled = yes; }    - (mkannotationview *)mapview:(mkmapview *)mapview viewforannotation:(id<mkannotation>)annotation {     dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{         if ([annotation iskindofclass:[mkuserlocation class]])         {             [self.mapview selectannotation:((mkuserlocation*) annotation) animated:yes];         }     });      if ([annotation iskindofclass:[mkuserlocation class]])     {         ((mkuserlocation*) annotation).title = nslocalizedstring(@"current_location", nil);         return nil;     }      if ([annotation iskindofclass:[customermarker class]])     {         mkannotationview *pinview = nil;         static nsstring *customermarkerpinid = @"com.idm.customer";         pinview = (mkannotationview*)[mapview dequeuereusableannotationviewwithidentifier:customermarkerpinid];          if (!pinview)         {             pinview = [[mkannotationview alloc] initwithannotation:annotation reuseidentifier:customermarkerpinid];         }          pinview.canshowcallout = yes;         pinview.backgroundcolor = [uicolor clearcolor];           customermarker *customermarker = (customermarker*)annotation;         pinview.image = customermarker.imageperson;          cgrect pinviewframe = cgrectzero;         pinviewframe.origin.x = pinview.frame.origin.x;         pinviewframe.origin.y = pinview.frame.origin.y;         pinviewframe.size.width = 40.0f;         pinviewframe.size.height = 40.0f;         pinview.frame = pinviewframe;           ////////// animate pin drop //////////          cgrect endframe = pinview.frame;         pinview.frame = cgrectoffset(pinview.frame, 0, -230);          [uiview beginanimations:nil context:nil];         [uiview setanimationduration:0.45f];         [uiview setanimationcurve:uiviewanimationcurveeaseinout];          pinview.frame = endframe;          [uiview commitanimations];          /* cgrect endframe = pinview.frame;         pinview.frame = cgrectoffset(pinview.frame, 0, -230);         [uiview animatewithduration:0.45f delay:0 options:uiviewanimationoptionshowhidetransitionviews animations:^{             [uiview setanimationcurve:uiviewanimationcurveeaseinout];         } completion:^(bool finished) {             if (finished) {                 pinview.frame = endframe;             }         }]; */          return pinview;     }      return nil; } 

there 2 major problems here. first you're reusing pinview not setting attributes according annotation trying draw. you're correct dequeue reusable annotationview, if reuse 1 or don't need set image 1 want draw right otherwise pinview's image 1 previously. e.g.

if ([annotation iskindofclass:[customermarker class]]) {     mkannotationview *pinview = nil;//create new handle, don't risk having 1 global 1     static nsstring *customermarkerpinid = @"com.idm.customer";     pinview = (mkannotationview*)[mapview dequeuereusableannotationviewwithidentifier:customermarkerpinid];      if (!pinview)     {         pinview = [[mkannotationview alloc] initwithannotation:annotation reuseidentifier:customermarkerpinid];          //since pinviews can show callouts need set         //when creating new one, not when reusing existing 1         // have set         pinview.canshowcallout = yes;     }         pinview.backgroundcolor = [uicolor colorwithpatternimage:[uiimage imagenamed:@"map_pic"]];      ...         return pinview; }  //[self.mapview setneedsdisplay];  <--- don't return nil; 

secondly you're choosing image each pin based on profilepicscounter changed while you're adding images mapview can , ask views in order feels like not order add them. need respond viewforannotation calculating view based on annotation gives you. clue in name. line:

nsstring *urlstring = profilepics[profilepicscounter]; 


myannotationclass *myanno = (myannotationclass)annotation nsstring *urlstring = myanno.urlstring; 

essentially you've got store info needs within annotation.

also, annotations part of removeallmarkers function can shortened 1 line

[self.mapview removeannotations:self.mapview.annotations]; 

and you're setting backgroundcolor on pinviews twice


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