bitbucket - Git: Forget about upstream repo -

i working small team on private repo. @ first thought should follow fork , merge workflow, started 'project-official' repository , forked own 'project' repo. no 1 else has used official repo yet, , have realized forking , merging not optimal project. how can disconnect 'project' repo 'project-official' repo before deleting 'project-official'? it's redundant now.

the reason don't want fork , merge because wiki not forked part of project on bitbucket, , because want 1 central issue tracker. prefer make 'task' branches , merge them completed.


to clean .git/config file, remove [remote "upstream"], right? keeping fork, not original repo. no 1 me has touched either repo.

[core]     repositoryformatversion = 0     filemode = true     bare = false     logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] ### has url of repo keeping.     fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*     url = [branch "master"]     remote = origin     merge = refs/heads/master [remote "upstream"] ### has url of repo have deleted.     url =     fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/* 

the forking of repo, creates clone in bitbucket. thing want make sure there no changes in 'project-official' repo want in 'project'. beyond deleting 'project-official' repo should need do.


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