java - A little confused about access count -
now responsibility in project access count module. if user login in 2 hours repeatly ,it should treat once.
i use concurrenthashmap put user id , access time.
private static map<string,date> logintimemap = new concurrenthashmap<string, date>();
every time user access index page , program compare time.
date date = logintimemap.get(user.getsuuserid()); if(date==null||dateutil.gethourinterval(new date(),date)>=definedvalue.limit_time){ accesscount=accesscount+1; logintimemap.put(user.getsuuserid(), new date()); }
in code limit_time constant refers 2 hours.
will logintimemap slow server if size of map exceed 10000?
really sorry poor english!
will logintimemap slow server if size of map exceed 10000?
a hashmap
has time complexity of o(1)
. is, hashes, goes straight value. not search value. means it's performance not proportional amount of elements in array, although 10,000 entries might memory heavy!
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