android - ListView Item ID homescreen widget -

i have homescreen widget listview

how can obtain number of current item clicked: i've tried following way: insite custom class extends appwidgetprovider

 public void onupdate(context ctxt, appwidgetmanager mgr,                          int[] appwidgetids) {         (int i=0; i<appwidgetids.length; i++) {             intent svcintent=new intent(ctxt, widgetservice.class);              svcintent.putextra(appwidgetmanager.extra_appwidget_id, appwidgetids[i]);             svcintent.setdata(uri.parse(svcintent.touri(intent.uri_intent_scheme)));              remoteviews widget=new remoteviews(ctxt.getpackagename(),                     r.layout.widget);              widget.setremoteadapter(appwidgetids[i],,                     svcintent);              intent clickintent=new intent(ctxt, appwidget.class);               clickintent.setaction(action_widget_refresh);             clickintent.putextra(appwidgetmanager.extra_appwidget_ids, appwidgetids[i]);              pendingintent pi=pendingintent.getbroadcast(ctxt, 0 , clickintent,  pendingintent.flag_update_current);             widget.setpendingintenttemplate(, pi);             mgr.updateappwidget(appwidgetids[i], widget);         }         super.onupdate(ctxt, mgr, appwidgetids);     }   @override         public void onreceive(context context, intent intent) {         log.i("gotcha","receive");           if (intent.getaction().equals(action_widget_refresh)) {              intent callintent = new intent(intent.action_call);             bundle extras = intent.getextras();             int extrass= -1;             if(extras!=null) {                  extrass = extras.getint(appwidgetmanager.extra_appwidget_ids);             }              log.i("receive", integer.tostring(extrass) ) ; // here i've expected see item id          } 

but it's not helped. i've see different numbers (not items id)

how can obtain them?

the problem is

  pendingintent pi=pendingintent.getbroadcast(ctxt, 0 , clickintent,  pendingintent.flag_update_current); 

because if give 0 requestcode, , flag flag_update_current, list items refer same pendingintent update lasted.

so give different requestcode pendingintent solve problem, please use

pendingintent pi=pendingintent.getbroadcast(ctxt,  appwidgetids[i] , clickintent,  pendingintent.flag_update_current)` 

instead. , set onclickfillintent remoteview in adapter.getviewat()

    remoteviews rv = new remoteviews(pkg, r.layout.item);     intent = new intent().putextra("position", position);     rv.setonclickfillinintent(, i); 

then can retrieve appwidget id , list item position.


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