Android: Media file Path -

i trying available media on internal storage.

i have created folder "teststorage" in actual phone. pushed song ddms push.

question: file path have mention in java file?.

sample code :

final string media_path = new string("/mnt/shell/emulated/o/teststorage"); public arraylist<hashmap<string, string>> getplaylist()   {        file musicfolder = new file(media_path);        if (musicfolder.listfiles(new fileextensionfilter()).length > 0)         {           (file file : musicfolder.listfiles(new fileextensionfilter()))            {              hashmap<string, string> song = new hashmap<string, string>();              song.put("songtitle",file.getname().substring(0,(file.getname().length() - 4)));              song.put("songpath", file.getpath());              // adding each song songlist              songslist.add(song);            }         }      // return songs list array         return songslist;  } 

this path can see in ddms file explorer, in same case see path


in file explorer inside phone.

now 1 mention in code list. tried both not listing song.

what wrong doing there.

try below

file file= new file(android.os.environment.getexternalstoragedirectory()+"/emulated/o/teststorage"); 

also use file.seperator instead of /

check topic under accessing files on external storage


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