How to retrieve an images from PHp myadim database and display in android list view? -

how retrieve images php admin database , display in android list view? have following script retrieve name , id. don't know how retrieve image well. how retrieve image using same query?

    <?php  /* our "" file connects database every time include or require within php script.  since want script add new user our db, talking our database, , therefore, let's require connection happen: */ require("config.php");  //initial query $query = "select * channels";  //execute query try {     $stmt   = $db->prepare($query);     $result = $stmt->execute($query_params); } catch (pdoexception $ex) {     $response["success"] = 0;     $response["message"] = "database error!";     die(json_encode($response)); }  // finally, can retrieve of found rows array using fetchall  $rows = $stmt->fetchall();   if ($rows) {     $response["success"] = 1;     $response["message"] = "post available!";     $response["posts"]   = array();      foreach ($rows $row) {         $post             = array();         $post["channelname"] = $row["channelname"];         $post["channelid"]    = $row["channelid"];            //update our repsonse json data         array_push($response["posts"], $post);     }      // echoing json response     echo json_encode($response);   } else {     $response["success"] = 0;     $response["message"] = "no channel available!";     die(json_encode($response)); }  ?> 

most likely, each $row array have fields. 1 of these might url or path images; can use




in block below

foreach ($rows $row) { ... } 

to see other data held within arrays.

finally, should include data in $response array.


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