android - Building AIR mobile project for multiple customers with gradleFX -

i have piece software should delivered many customers. each build should customized set of assets (icons , splash screen etc. ) , bunch of config files, different app id (eg. com.myself.myapp.customer1 ; com.myself.myapp.customer2 etc... )

also need builds different oses android, ios , playbook.

the way handled was: created new application.mxml each customer, opened right locations , passed files maincontroller. leaves me pick right assets, certificates , ios-provisioning files packaged each time need compile, , had repeat steps each customer, error-prone , , in case of ios, extremely time-consuming.

so need automated building quickly...

i downloaded , installed gradle/gradlefx, don't find documentation friendly beginners in subject.

now questions:

  1. how have convert (flash builder- ) given project structure conform gradle conventions? there fb-plugins or tools use?
  2. can use gradlefx build debug sessions well? fb 4.7 has lot of issues circumvent.
  3. can ipa "signed" , packaged assets after it's principle compilation, don't have wait 15 mins each compile?

many thanks

how have convert (flash builder- ) given project structure conform gradle conventions? there fb-plugins or tools use?

there nothing convert. unless project structure extremely exotic, should able configure gradlefx work it.
note default gradlefx uses maven-style conventions: instance, default source folder src/main/actionscript. if want configure typical flashbuilder project you'll have explicitly declare source folder:

srcdirs = ['src'] 

as fb plugins: there none. can use "external build tool" instead of fb's built-in configuration. intellij idea has gradle support, nothing gradlefx. gradlefx has flashbuilder plugin, purpose generate fb-compatible project build script - don't think that's you're looking for.

can use gradlefx build debug sessions well? fb 4.7 has lot of issues circumvent.

you can build debug-enabled version of application setting debug flag true (as described in adobe's mxmlc docs). gradlefx not expose compiler options in its api (there's many of them), can use additionalcompileroptions define whatever additional compiler flags require:

additionalcompileroptions = ['-debug=true'] 

i don't know how should tell flashbuilder hook compiled swf debug session though :( perhaps through "external build tool" configuration.

can ipa "signed" , packaged assets after it's principle compilation, don't have wait 15 mins each compile?

i know little of mobile support give meaningful answer here, can tell major upgrade in area in works right , released soon. perhaps should ask question on; @slevinbe helpful , quick answer.

i don't find documentation friendly beginners in subject

if docs don't work you, perhaps the example projects might more helpful. said, make docs better beginners telling how improve them. start discussion on

multiple outputs

one more thing: main issue seems need create multiple outputs single code base. 1 thing gradlefx doesn't provide out-of-the-box (yet). however, there's unobtrusive workaround i've described on blog. if find basic concepts difficult grasp, suggest don't start part, rather concentrate on getting single project building first.


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