c++ - Strange interaction of QAbstractItemModel with QSortFilterProxyModel -

what wrong interaction of qabstractitemmodel qsortfilterproxymodel? on left part of screen connected implementation of qabstractitemmodel , on right part part did qsortfilterproxymodel.

upd: upload code: git@bitbucket.org:h0x0d9/myfilterproxymodel.git


listsregistermodel *model = new listsregistermodel(this);  qsortfilterproxymodel *proxymodel = new qsortfilterproxymodel(this); proxymodel->setsourcemodel(model);   qtreeview *view = new qtreeview(this); view->setmodel(model);  qtreeview *view2 = new qtreeview(this); view2->setmodel(proxymodel); 


class listsregistermodel : public qabstractitemmodel {     q_object public:     explicit listsregistermodel(qobject *parent = 0);     ~listsregistermodel();      qvariant data(const qmodelindex &index, int role) const;     qt::itemflags flags(const qmodelindex &index) const;     qvariant headerdata(int section, qt::orientation orientation,                         int role = qt::displayrole) const;     qmodelindex index(int row, int column,                       const qmodelindex &parent = qmodelindex()) const;     qmodelindex parent(const qmodelindex &index) const;     int rowcount(const qmodelindex &parent = qmodelindex()) const;     int columncount(const qmodelindex &parent = qmodelindex()) const;     bool setdata(const qmodelindex &index, const qvariant &value,                  int role = qt::checkstaterole);  private:     enum columns     {         ramificationcolumn,         listnamecolumn = ramificationcolumn,         listsubscribercolumn     };      treeitem *rootitem;      qmultimap<qstring, qstring> parselistsfile(qstring path);     void setupmodeldata(qmultimap<qstring, qstring> lists, treeitem *parent);     treeitem *getitem(const qmodelindex &index) const; };    listsregistermodel::listsregistermodel(qobject *parent) :     qabstractitemmodel(parent) {     qlist<qvariant> rootdata;     rootdata << tr("list") << tr("subscribers");     rootitem = new treeitem(rootdata);      qmultimap<qstring, qstring> listsreg = parselistsfile("etc/lists.reg");     setupmodeldata(listsreg, rootitem); }   qvariant listsregistermodel::data(const qmodelindex &index, int role) const {     if (!index.isvalid())         return qvariant();      treeitem *item = getitem(index);      switch (role) {     case qt::displayrole:         if (item->parent() == rootitem) {             return item->data(index.column());         }         else {             qdebug() << item->data(index.column() - 1);             return item->data(index.column() - 1);         }         break;     case qt::checkstaterole:         if (index.column() == ramificationcolumn                 && item->parent() == rootitem) {             return qvariant(item->checkstate());         }         break;     default:         return qvariant();         break;     }     return qvariant(); }     qmodelindex listsregistermodel::index(int row, int column, const qmodelindex &parent) const {     treeitem * parentitem;      if (row < 0 || column < 0)         return qmodelindex();      if (!parent.isvalid())         parentitem = rootitem;     else         parentitem = getitem(parent);      treeitem *childitem = parentitem->child(row);      if (childitem)         return createindex(row, column, childitem);      return qmodelindex(); }   qmodelindex listsregistermodel::parent(const qmodelindex &index) const {     if (!index.isvalid())         return qmodelindex();      treeitem *childitem = getitem(index);     treeitem *parentitem = childitem->parent();      if (parentitem == rootitem)         return qmodelindex();      return createindex(parentitem->row(), 0, parentitem); } 

i'm sprinkling ashes upon head. defined falsely columncount() function. correct version this:

int listsregistermodel::columncount(const qmodelindex &parent) const {     return lastcolumn; // = 2 } 


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