c# - Async TCP Server in .NET Compact framework -

i'm writing asynchronous tcp server in .net compact framework 3.5(console app), used socket class tcplistener not supported .netcf. used same server code given in msdn (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fx6588te(v=vs.90).aspx). after 2/3 days system hangs, system arm device 64 mb ram. may possible cause. didn't such problem in synchronous tcp server. here code.

    public void startlistening()     {         try         {             iphostentry iphostinfo = dns.resolve(dns.gethostname());             ipaddress ipaddress = iphostinfo.addresslist[0];             ipendpoint localendpoint = new ipendpoint(ipaddress, 8001);              // create tcp/ip socket.             socket listener = new socket(addressfamily.internetwork, sockettype.stream, protocoltype.tcp);              // bind socket local endpoint , listen incoming connections.             listener.bind(localendpoint);             listener.listen(4);              while (true)             {                 try                 {                     // start asynchronous socket listen connections.                     listener.beginaccept(new asynccallback(acceptcallback), listener);                      // wait until connection made before continuing.                     alldone.waitone();                 }                 catch (exception pex)                 {                     _serverlog.writefile(pex);                 }             }         }         catch (exception pex)         {             _serverlog.writefile(pex);         }     }      /// <summary>     ///      /// </summary>     /// <param name="ar"></param>     public void acceptcallback(iasyncresult ar)     {         alldone.set();          socket listener = (socket)ar.asyncstate;         socket handler = listener.endaccept(ar);          //listener.beginaccept(new asynccallback(acceptcallback), listener);          stateobject state = new stateobject();         state.worksocket = handler;         handler.beginreceive(state.buffer, 0, stateobject.buffersize, 0, new asynccallback(readcallback), state);          //listener.beginaccept(new asynccallback(acceptcallback), listener);     }      /// <summary>     ///      /// </summary>     public void readcallback(iasyncresult ar)     {         stateobject state = (stateobject)ar.asyncstate;         socket handler = state.worksocket;          string localip = handler.remoteendpoint.tostring();         var _port = localip.split(':');         string _ip = _port[0] + ":" + _port[1];          int bytesread = handler.endreceive(ar);          if (bytesread > 0)         {             state.sb.append(encoding.ascii.getstring(state.buffer, 0, bytesread));             _receiveddata.enqueue(state.sb.tostring());              send(handler, " - ack - data received.");              //threadpool.queueuserworkitem(new waitcallback(processdata), _ip);             this.processdata(_ip);         }     }      /// <summary>     ///      /// </summary>     /// <param name="handler"></param>     /// <param name="data"></param>     private void send(socket handler, string data)     {         // convert string data byte data using ascii encoding.         byte[] bytedata = encoding.ascii.getbytes(data);          // begin sending data remote device.         handler.beginsend(bytedata, 0, bytedata.length, 0, new asynccallback(sendcallback), handler);     }      /// <summary>     ///      /// </summary>     /// <param name="ar"></param>     private void sendcallback(iasyncresult ar)     {         try         {             // retrieve socket state object.             socket handler = (socket)ar.asyncstate;              // complete sending data remote device.             int bytessent = handler.endsend(ar);              handler.shutdown(socketshutdown.both);             handler.close();         }         catch (exception pex)         {             _serverlog.writefile(pex);         }     } 

maybe in part haven't posted here, can't see anywhere code empty stringbuffer state.sb or queue _receiveddata (just assuming types name/method). filling 2 ressources can bring system hang @ point there no more memory...


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