c# - Smart Way to Handle Voice Commands in Code to Action a Command -

rather using switch/case or if boolean checks can long , awfully tedious, wonder if better way can sought handling , processing commands.


if(settings.getname == command) { speak("i here"); }  if("get news feed" == command) { myrssfeed rssnewsfeed = new myrssfeed(); rssnewsfeed.getfeed(); } 

the if commands go on... here snippet of switch statement:

switch (command)         {             #region <-- time command -->              case "time please":             case "whats time":             case "what time it":                 getcurrenttime();                 break;              #endregion <-- time command -->              #region <-- date command -->              case "whats date":             case "what date it":             case "whats date today":             case "what date today":                 getcurrentdate();                 break;              #endregion <-- date command -->               #region <-- media player commands -->              case "play bamboo forest":                  data.musicplayer.play(@"\bamboo forest play list.wpl");                  break;              case "next song":                  data.musicplayer.next();                  break;              case "previous song":                  data.musicplayer.previous();                  break;              case "stop music":                  data.musicplayer.stop();                  break;              case "pause music":                  data.musicplayer.pause();                  break;              case "resume music":                  data.musicplayer.resume();                  break;               case "mute music":                  data.musicplayer.mute();                  break;              case "volume up":                  data.musicplayer.volumeup();                  break;              case "volume down":                  data.musicplayer.volumedown();                  break;              #endregion <-- media player commands -->              #region <-- voice recognition control commands -->              case "stop listening":                 audio.listen.newcommandrecognitionengine.recognizeasynccancel();                 audio.voice.speak("ok");                 audio.listen.initialise(main);                 break;              #endregion <-- voice recognition control commands -->              #region <-- application commands -->              case "quiet":                 audio.voice.stop();                 break;              case "download":                 audio.voice.speak("opening download window.");                 main.dlinterface.showbitsjobs();                 break;              case "settings":                 audio.voice.speak("opening settings window.");                 main.settings.show();                 break;              case "close":                 if (main.dlinterface.visable == true)                 {                     main.dlinterface.hide();                     audio.voice.speak("closing download window.");                 }                 if (main.settings.visible == true)                 {                     main.settings.hide();                     audio.voice.speak("closing settings window.");                 }                 break;              case "out of way":                 if (main.windowstate == system.windows.forms.formwindowstate.normal)                 {                     main.windowstate = system.windows.forms.formwindowstate.minimized;                     audio.voice.speak("my apologies");                 }                 break;              case "where you":                 if (main.windowstate == system.windows.forms.formwindowstate.minimized)                 {                     main.windowstate = system.windows.forms.formwindowstate.normal;                     audio.voice.speak("here");                 }                 break;               default:                 // nothing here...                 break;         } 

i have sql database contains commands. load commands need. has command name colum , value colum. can change these add change or delete columns needed.

currently, once command recognised, use combination of if statements , switch/case catch catch recognised command.

i have thought somehow dropping dll's folder , how scanning on app load. if add command somehow use value field action command in dll.

i realise rather complex situation feel better solution can found make process more simple.

edit: have looked @ already: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-us/4f962dc0-aec2-4191-9fe2-e1dfeb1da5dd/voice-command-api

please ask if need more information.

[edit] paqogomez has answered question. see working example below:

using system; using system.linq; using myapp.appcommands; using system.reflection; using system.collections.generic;  namespace myapp { class program { static void main(string[] args) { methodinfo mymethod;  var methods = new commands();  mymethod = commandfactory.getcommandmethods("time please"); mymethod.invoke(methods, null);  mymethod = commandfactory.getcommandmethods("volume down"); mymethod.invoke(methods, null);  mymethod = commandfactory.getcommandmethods("volume up"); mymethod.invoke(methods, null);  console.readline(); } }  public static class commandfactory { private static dictionary<string, methodinfo> commandmethods = new dictionary<string, methodinfo>();  public static methodinfo getcommandmethods(string command) { methodinfo methodinfo;  var mycommandmethods = new commands();  if (commandmethods.count == 0) { var methodnames = typeof(commands).getmethods(bindingflags.public | bindingflags.declaredonly | bindingflags.instance);  var speechattributemethods = methodnames.where(y => y.getcustomattributes().oftype<commandattribute>().any());  foreach (var speechattributemethod in speechattributemethods) { foreach (var attribute in speechattributemethod.getcustomattributes(true)) { commandmethods.add(((commandattribute)attribute).commandvalue, speechattributemethod); } } methodinfo = commandmethods[command]; } else { methodinfo = commandmethods[command]; }  return methodinfo; } } }  namespace myapp.appcommands { public class commands { [command("time please")] [command("whats time")] [command("what time it")] public void gettime() { console.writeline(datetime.now.tolocaltime()); }  [command("volume down")] public void volumedown() { console.writeline("volume down 1"); }  [command("volume up")] public void volumeup() { console.writeline("volume 1"); } }  [system.attributeusage(system.attributetargets.method, allowmultiple = true)] public class commandattribute : system.attribute { public string commandvalue { get; set; }  public commandattribute(string textvalue) { this.commandvalue = textvalue; } } } 

beautiful work paqogomez , thank sharing! fast , elegant!.

in case, need call code is:

private static void commandrecognized(object sender, speechrecognizedeventargs e) { methodinfo mymethod;  var methods = new commands();  mymethod = commandfactory.getcommandmethods(e.result.text); mymethod.invoke(methods, null); } 

which event handler of speech recognition engine:

commandrecognitionengine.speechrecognized += new eventhandler<speechrecognizedeventargs>(commandrecognized); 

you looking strategy pattern defined here.

this allow handle multiple if statements easily.

a factory pattern might suit you. factory use reflection determine command create.

you dump commands dictionary.


given last bit of code example factory need. i've put 1 below.

the factory reflects on methods in myspeechmethods, looks ones speechattributes , sends methodinfo invoke. if need return values methods can either set methods return same type (like string) or generics, i'll leave you. :)

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.reflection; using myapp.speechmethods;  namespace myapp {     class program     {         static void main(string[] args)         {             var methods = new myspeechmethods();             methodinfo mymethod;             mymethod = speechfactory.getspeechmethod("time please");             mymethod.invoke(methods, null);             mymethod = speechfactory.getspeechmethod("volume down");             mymethod.invoke(methods, null);             mymethod = speechfactory.getspeechmethod("volume up");             mymethod.invoke(methods, null);         }     }      public static class speechfactory     {         private static dictionary<string, methodinfo> speechmethods = new dictionary<string, methodinfo>();         public static methodinfo getspeechmethod(string speechtext)         {             methodinfo methodinfo;             var myspeechmethods = new myspeechmethods();             if (speechmethods.count == 0)             {                 var methodnames =                     typeof (myspeechmethods).getmethods(bindingflags.public | bindingflags.declaredonly | bindingflags.instance);                 var speechattributemethods = methodnames.where(y => y.getcustomattributes().oftype<speechattribute>().any());                 foreach (var speechattributemethod in speechattributemethods)                 {                     foreach (var attribute in speechattributemethod.getcustomattributes(true))                     {                         speechmethods.add(((speechattribute)attribute).speechvalue, speechattributemethod);                     }                 }                 methodinfo = speechmethods[speechtext];             }             else             {                 methodinfo = speechmethods[speechtext];             }              return methodinfo;         }     } }  namespace myapp.speechmethods {     public class myspeechmethods     {         [speech("time please")]         [speech("whats time")]         [speech("what time it")]         public void gettime()         {             console.writeline(datetime.now.tolocaltime());         }          [speech("volume down")]         public void volumedown()         {             console.writeline("volume down 1");         }          [speech("volume up")]         public void volumeup()         {             console.writeline("volume 1");         }     }      [system.attributeusage(system.attributetargets.method, allowmultiple = true)]     public class speechattribute : system.attribute     {         public string speechvalue { get; set; }          public speechattribute(string textvalue)         {             this.speechvalue = textvalue;         }     } } 


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