oracle11g - Need help understanding why this sql is needed in Oracle? -
i'm assigned fill in role of dba (temporary). i'm developer, i'm not capable of many knowledges in oracle... today, while monitoring activities, see following sql being performed developer's work station (toad.exe). auto generated toad somehow or query being manually written? reason is, i'm concerned individual have privilege select sys schema.
i've consulted developer, , says not query sys tables nor have need. i'm bit concerned how query generated.
any advice appreciate it. thanks!
select index_name "index name", index_type "index type", uniqueness "uniqueness", status "status", table_owner || '.' || table_name "table", table_type "table type", tablespace_name "tablespace", buffer_pool "buffer pool", initcap (partitioned) "partitioned", decode (temporary, 'n', 'no', 'yes') "temporary", ini_trans "initial transactions", max_trans "max transactions", initial_extent "initial extent size", next_extent "next extent size", min_extents "minimum extents", max_extents "maximum extents", pct_increase "percent increase", pct_free "percent free", freelists "freelists", freelist_groups "freelist groups", degree "degree", instances "instances", last_analyzed "last analyzed", blevel "blevel", leaf_blocks "leaf blocks", distinct_keys "distinct keys", avg_leaf_blocks_per_key "avg leaf blocks per key", avg_data_blocks_per_key "avg data blocks per key", clustering_factor "clustering factor", num_rows "num rows", sample_size "sample size", generated "generated", decode (join_index, 'no', 'no', 'yes') "join index", visibility "visibility" sys.all_indexes owner = :oo , index_name = :nn
toad generating query against oracle's data dictionary. clicked on index in toad , query generated. name , owner of index supplied via bind variables (the :oo , :nn)
note that:
select ... sys.all_indexes
is same
select ... all_indexes
which view available users showing information indexes visible current user (who you're connected as.)
if you're not familiar dictionary views (the user_, all_, , dba_* views), developer should start with:
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