php - Insert Timeslot In mysql Table -

i'm developing system using php , mysql. 1 of form prompt user fill-up 2 textbox namely starttime , endtime. user must fill-up both text box , when submitted, insert them table named slot , output them along previous data.

 5:30    6:00  6:30  7:00  7:30  8:00 

how can it? guide me along answer. here's code:

$i=0; $sid=1; $appointmentsdate=$_request['stime'];    $appointmentedate=$_request['etime'];  for($appointmentsdate;$appointmentsdate<$appointmentedate;$appointmentsdate++) {     $arraystarttime[$i]="{$appointmentsdate}:00";     $i++;     $arraystarttime[$i]="{$appointmentsdate}:30";     $i++; } echo "<pre>";        print_r($arraystarttime); die;  ($k=0; $k<sizeof($arraystarttime); $k++)  {     sjb_db::query('insert `schedule_slot` (`schedule_id`,`starttime`,`endtime`) values               (?s,?s,?s)',$sid,$arraystarttime[$k],$arraystarttime[$k+1]);     }            

thank in advance.

#your inputs $start = "11:00";  $time_end = "13:30";  #converting them timestamps $time_start = strtotime($start); $time_end = strtotime($time_end);  #looping while($time_start <= $time_end){   $somearr[] = date("h:i",$time_start)."\n";   $time_start = strtotime('+30 minutes',$time_start); } 


integrating current code, should (untested):

$i=0; $sid=1;  $appointmentstimestart = strtotime($_request['stime']); $appointmentstimeend = strtotime($_request['stime']);  for($appointmentstimestart; $appointmentstimestart<$appointmentstimeend; $appointmentsdate1++) {         $arraystarttime[$i] = date("h:i", $appointmentstimestart);     $appointmentstimestart = strtotime('+30 minutes',$appointmentstimestart);         $i++;     }  print_r($arraystarttime); 


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