javascript - Jquery datepicker is not working on jquery dialog with dynamic contents -

i have 2 jsp pages 1 main.jsp , other dialog.jsp, in main.jsp call java script function openpopup(url, title) open dialog , load content of dialog given url.

here code.

<div id="dialogdiv"></div> <div>      <a onclick='openpopup("/web-inf/views/template/dialog.jsp", "add address")' title="add value"></a> </div> 


   <div class="loaddiv">        <form:form method="post" commandname="address" id="dialogform">                   <form:input id="livingsince" path="livingsince" cssclass="datepicker"/>        </form:form>    </div> 


$(function(){     $( ".datepicker" ).datepicker({     changemonth: true,     changeyear: true,     showbuttonpanel: true,     showanim: 'fold' });       });  //for pop function openpopup(url, title) {  $("#dialogdiv").load(url + " .loaddiv").dialog({     position: 'center',     modal: true,     resizable: true,     bgiframe: true,     autoopen: true,     //height: 450,     width: 500,     title: title,     buttons: {         save: function () {             $("#dialogform").submit();             $("#dialogdiv").dialog('close');         //$("#dialogdiv").html('');         },         cancel: function () {             $("#dialogdiv").dialog('close');         }     }    });     } 

problem datepicker not showing on dialog after clicking in input text field. though working on simple jsp page, not on dialog (popup).
try solution not happening me. link

i loading dynamic content well. using time pickers though instead of date pickers. frustrated time pickers not work if loaded content (with time pickers) dynamically.

i solved problem though calling method each time modal loaded. inside method load dynamic content; , (again) re-register time picker. have attached image of code shows how done. working now.

enter image description here


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