ontology - Is it safe or reasonable for owl ontologies to be mutually (circularly) dependant? -

is safe or reasonable owl ontologies mutually (circularly) dependant? ask because of potential see cross-domain data , reasoning. seems me of technical limitations might apply in mainstream executable programming languages don't have apply here.

for example, have 2 ontologies: 'stuff' , 'creature'. in 'stuff' define physicalobject class, denote inheritors have position in space. in 'creature' define person class, denoting member of society.

<!-- in 'stuff' --> <owl:class rdf:id="stuff#physicalobject"/>  <!-- in 'creature' --> <owl:class rdf:id="creature#person"/> 

as individual person instance occupies position in space, seem appropriate declare subclassof physicalobject. can resolved importing 'stuff' in 'creature' ontology. want have property in 'stuff' refers person in range: isheldby.

<!-- in 'creature' --> <owl:ontology rdf:about="">   <owl:imports rdf:resource="stuff" /> </owl:ontology> <owl:class rdf:id="creature#person"   <rdfs:subclassof rdf:resource="stuff#physicalobject" /> </owl:class>  <!-- in 'stuff' --> <owl:ontology rdf:about="">   <owl:imports rdf:resource="creature" /> </owl:ontology> <owl:objectproperty rdf:id="isheldby">    <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="stuff#physicalobject"/>   <rdfs:range rdf:resource="creature#person"/>  </owl:objectproperty> 

is safe thing do? reasonable thing expect? supported current implementations? should expect graceful degrade of ontologies axioms available if either import unavailable?

i realize there hierarchical solutions this, still feel point worthy of discussion.

the owl 2 specification section 3.4 imports describes semantics of imports, , not prohibit circular imports. rather, semantics defined in terms of closure of imports relationship.

aesthetically, might desirable refactor common elements of stuff , creature upper ontology , have both stuff , creature import it, that's not technical requirement. otherwise, although have 2 ontologies, it's though you've got one, since imports 1 of them import other well, , vice versa.


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