c# - Read JSON date from file -

i write logs text file json. in file call obejct logtime value

"1378289277591". *{"logtime":"date(1378290565240)"}* 

consider code below:

public class sync{   public async task<callmodel> convertcallfiletocallobejct(string path)         {             try             {                 using (var sr = new streamreader(path))                 {                     string calltext = await sr.readtoendasync();                     var call = new javascriptserializer().deserialize<callmodel>(calltext);                      return call;                 }             }             catch (exception exception)             {                 console.writeline(exception.message);             }         } } 

i convert call file call object:

var sync = new sync(); callmodel call = sync.convertcallfiletocallobejct(e.fullpath).getawaiter().getresult(); 

the problem call.logtime 9/4/2013 10:29:25 am using chrome console , new date(1378290565240) result 9/4/2013 14:59:25 pm

what problem?

try below code

// json received server in string format var jsonstring = '{"date":1251877601000}';  //use json2 or js library parse string var jsonobject =  json.parse( jsonstring );  //now have date! alert( new date(jsonobject.date) ); 


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