php - Display categories on BigCommerce store homepage -

i'm trying custom homepage set bigcommerce store. store has handful of products, in 2 categories. customer wants products both categories displayed on homepage of store. unfortunately bigcommerce provides panels display "new" or "featured" products on homepage.

does know how create custom panel display contents of chosen category? have rss links categories, hoping this:

<div class="block moveable panel" id="homepagecategories"> <h2>category one</h2>    <div class="blockcontent">     <display first 6 items url source="rss-url-category-1">    </div>   <h2>category two</h2>    <div class="blockcontent">    <display first 6 items url source="rss-url-category-2">    </div> </div> 

anyone have suggestions or hints how achieve this?

i wound ajaxing in contents of respective content page's .productlist ul's. not ideal, best quick solution found.

i created new panel called homepagecategories.html , pasted ajax function in, so:

<div class="block moveable panel" id="homepagecategories"> <h2>category title one</h2>    <div class="blockcontent" id="magaziner"></div>   <h2>category title two</h2>    <div class="blockcontent" id="buecher"></div> </div>  <script type="text/javascript">  var ajax_load = "path_to_loading_gif";  var loadmagaziner = "/magaziner/";     $("#magaziner").html(ajax_load).load(loadmagaziner + " .productlist");    var loadbuecher = "/buecher/"; $("#buecher").html(ajax_load).load(loadbuecher + " .productlist");  </script> 


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