Reporting Services using Entity Framework -

i had experience in developing reports(ssrs) using dataset. working on application not using entity framework entity framework not return datatable or dataset. want know

  1. is there way use collection or custom objects return entity framework in reporting services?
  2. entity framework somehow return datatable or dataset.

or should create datatable/dataset collection returned entity framework manually.

for record, getting resultset executing stored procedure entity framework.

public void getmyreportdata()  {       using (myentitydatamodel v = new myentitydatamodel())       {           var reportquery = (from r in v.mytable                                select new                                {                          ,                                    l.leaveapplicationdate,                                    l.employeenumber,                                    l.employeename,                                    l.startdate,                                    l.col1,                                    l.col2,                                    .......,                                    .......,                                    l.address                                }).tolist();          reportviewer1.localreport.datasources.clear();         reportdatasource datasource = new reportdatasource("nameofreportdataset", reportquery);         reportviewer1.localreport.datasources.add(datasource);          stream rpt = loadembededreportdefinition("report1.rdlc");         reportviewer1.localreport.loadreportdefinition(rpt);         reportviewer1.refreshreport();          //another way of setting reportviewer report source          string exefolder = path.getdirectoryname(application.executablepath);         string reportpath = path.combine(exefolder, @"rdlcreports\report1.rdlc");         reportviewer1.localreport.reportpath = reportpath;          reportparameter p = new reportparameter("deptid", deptid.tostring());         reportviewer1.localreport.setparameters(new[] { p });      } }     public static stream loadembededreportdefinition(string reportname)     {         assembly _assembly = assembly.getexecutingassembly();         stream _reportstream = _assembly.getmanifestresourcestream("projectnamespace.rdlcreportsfolder." + reportname);          return _reportstream;     } 

original source: creating reports in entity framework


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