sql server - Backup file size inflates while in HA group -

does know cause of inflating database backup sizes after adding database high availability group? i've noticed behavior not example below database i've added ha group. don't think can support ha option in environment if intended behavior.

database file size 322560.00 mb; space available 23444.92 mb

full backup size compression before ha group: 4188.3 mb

full backup size compression after adding ha group: 48697.4 mb

full backup size compression after removing ha group: 4925.1 mb

full backup size compression after re-adding ha group: 48732.2 mb

ha group in healthy state these settings: asynchronous, manual failover, allow connections in primary role, readable in secondary, standard port 5022 endpoint, primary backup preferences. syncing 1 server @ dr state in state.

backup routine consists of full every weekend, diff every week night, log every hour , databases not in ha group still have our standard compression ratio same ma plan.

command in our custom log is: backup database [database] disk = n'h:\db\mssql11.mssqlserver\mssql\backup_remote\database.bak' checksum, compression

the log part of backup. suspect pulling in large log when performing backup while database part of ag. can confirm comparing file sizes when each backup takes place, or after fact performing restore filelistonly each backup. suspect you'll see different sizes log files.


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