javascript - regular expression not working in IE8 -

i'm going test inserted character if rtl or ltr , used code:

function checkrtl(s) {     var ltrchars = 'a-za-z\u00c0-\u00d6\u00d8-\u00f6\u00f8-\u02b8\u0300-\u0590\u0800-     \u1fff' + '\u2c00-\ufb1c\ufdfe-\ufe6f\ufefd-\uffff',             rtlchars = '\u0591-\u07ff\ufb1d-\ufdfd\ufe70-\ufefc',              rtldircheck = new regexp('^[^' + ltrchars + ']*[' + rtlchars + ']');      return rtldircheck.test(s); } ; function checkspecialchars(s) {     var schars = '0-9`~!@#$%^&*()_+\\-=\\|\\[\\]{};\'":,.<>/',             checkchar = new regexp('^[' + schars + ']+');     return checkchar.test(s); } var input = $('#password').on('keypress', keypress);  function keypress(e) {     settimeout(function () {         var isrtl = checkrtl(string.fromcharcode(e.charcode));         var isspecial = checkspecialchars(string.fromcharcode(e.charcode));          var dir = isrtl ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';         if(dir=='rtl'){             document.getelementbyid("langdir").innerhtml="<img src='../img         /signup_images/att.png'>hello!";        $("#langdir").css("display","block");         }         else         {             document.getelementbyid("langdir").innerhtml="";          $("#langdir").css("display","none");         }     }, 100); } 

this code working in ie 9, 10, chrome , firefox. it's not working in ie8 after debugging i've found out line:

    rtldircheck = new regexp('^[^' + ltrchars + ']*[' + rtlchars + ']');      return rtldircheck.test(s); 

always returns false. wrong that?

first of can detect nothing wrong regex. following html ie 7 10 tells me result equals true (i using ie 10.0 in backwards compatibility modes).

<html> <body> <script> var ltrchars = 'a-za-z\u00c0-\u00d6\u00d8-\u00f6\u00f8-\u02b8\u0300-\u0590\u0800-\u1fff' + '\u2c00-\ufb1c\ufdfe-\ufe6f\ufefd-\uffff',     rtlchars = '\u0591-\u07ff\ufb1d-\ufdfd\ufe70-\ufefc', rtldircheck = new regexp('^[^' + ltrchars + ']*[' + rtlchars + ']');  alert("result = "+ rtldircheck.test('\u0591') ); </script> </body> </html> 

the problem not function. input:


ie doesn't set e.charcode, used e.keycode. e.charcode used webkit browsers. have @ chapter 3 of excellent breakdown of differences between keyboard events in different browser. suggest using:

string.fromcharcode(e.which || e.keycode) 


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