php - Ranking values in array -

i have running in while loop add array every time goes through it. however, issue trying assign ranks each value. saw horse1 had ap=51 , ep=47, sp= 32, fx=20. horse2 had ap=52, ep = 55, sp=30 , f=19. trying make print on screen so:

          ap   ep   sp   fx   horse 1   2    2    1    1  horse 2   1    1    2    2 

and etc many horses there are.

here code have. not versed in php thought way go.

$allstats[]= array ( "ap"=>"x".$ap, "ep"=>"x".$ep, "sp"=>"x".$sp, "fx"=>"x".$fx, "horse"=>$horse, );  $apranks[$ap]; $epranks[$ep]; $spranks[$sp]; $fxranks[$fx];  ksort($apranks,2); ksort($epranks,2); ksort($spranks,2); ksort($fxranks,2); $finalap=(array_keys($apranks,$ap)); ?> <div id="rankings"> <? echo array_search($ap,$finalap);?><? echo array_search($ep,$epranks);?><? echo         array_search($sp,$spranks);?><? echo array_search($fx,$fxranks);?> </div> 

assuming horse array this,

$horses[1]=array('ap'=>51,'ep'=>47,'sp'=>32,'fx'=>20); $horses[2]=array('ap'=>52,'ep'=>55,'sp'=>30,'fx'=>19);  $horse_values = array('ap','ep','sp','fx'); $horse_rank = array();  foreach($horse_values $k=>$val) {     uasort($horses, create_function('$a, $b', 'return custom_sort($a, $b, "'.$val.'");'));      $i=1;     foreach($horses $l=>$horse)     {         $horse_rank[$l][$val] = $i;         $i++;     } }  function custom_sort( $a, $b, $meta )  {     if ( $a[$meta] == $b[$meta] )         return 0;     else if ( $a[$meta] > $b[$meta] )         return -1;     else         return 1;     //echo "$a, $b, $meta<hr>"; // debugging output }  arsort($horse_rank); //sorting final rank array based on horse number print_r($horse_rank); 


array (     [1] => array         (             [ap] => 2             [ep] => 2             [sp] => 1             [fx] => 1         )     [2] => array         (             [ap] => 1             [ep] => 1             [sp] => 2             [fx] => 2         ) ) 


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