How to send email in java GWT -

i using code in java gwt application

        public string greetserver(string input) throws exception {     try{     properties props = new properties();       props.setproperty("mail.transport.protocol", "smtp");     props.setproperty("mail.smtp.port", "25");     props.setproperty("", "");     props.setproperty("mail.user", "");     props.setproperty("mail.password", "000000000");      session mailsession = session.getdefaultinstance(props, null);     transport transport = mailsession.gettransport();      mimemessage message = new mimemessage(mailsession);     message.setsubject("hello");     message.setcontent("helloo sss", "text/plain");     message.addrecipient(, new internetaddress(""));      transport.connect();     transport.sendmessage(message, message.getrecipients(;     transport.close();     } catch(nosuchproviderexception e){         throw new exception(e);       }      return input;  } 

error: javax.mail.messagingexception: not connect smtp host:, port: 25; nested exception is: connection refused: connect

if use

            props.setproperty("", "");             , use hotmail account , gives error              javax.mail.messagingexception: can't determine local email address 

any idea solution


here's gmail settings work me:

//these fed properties object below: mail.smtp.starttls.enable = true mail.transport.protocol   = smtp mail.smtp.auth            = true 

and java:

properties properties = ...  javax.mail.session session = javax.mail.session.getinstance(properties, null); transport transport = session.gettransport("smtp"); transport.connect("", username, password); 


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