javascript - Html 5 canvas trouble -

i'm trying practice html5 canvas drawing came this. should result in yellow star overlapped green silhouette of bust (the head , shoulders of person).

however if drawstar() line un-commented, green silhouette not drawn. working code not important explanation of happening.


<!doctype html> <html> <head>     <style>     h6{         -webkit-margin-before: .5em;         -webkit-margin-after: 0;     }     label{         margin-left: 1em;     }     </style>  </head> <body>      <canvas id="mycanvas" width="19" height="19"          style="border:1px solid d3d3d3;">         browser not support html5 canvas tag.</canvas> </body> </html> 


function drawprofile(ctx,x,y,width,height) {     this.flp = false;     this.x = function(r){ return math.floor(width*(this.flp?1-r:r)); }     this.y = function(r){ return math.floor(height*r); };      ctx.translate( x, y );     ctx.fillstyle="#40ff00";      ctx.beginpath();     ctx.moveto( this.x(0), this.y(1) );     ctx.beziercurveto(         this.x(0),      this.y(125/190),         this.x(70/190), this.y(170/190),         this.x(75/190), this.y(120/190)     );     ctx.lineto( this.x(95/190), this.y(130/190) );     ctx.beziercurveto(         this.x(40/190), this.y(130/190),         this.x(30/190), this.y(0),          this.x(95/190), this.y(0)     );      this.flp = true;      ctx.beziercurveto(         this.x(30/190), this.y(0),         this.x(40/190), this.y(130/190),          this.x(95/190), this.y(130/190)     );     ctx.lineto( this.x(75/190), this.y(120/190) );     ctx.beziercurveto(         this.x(70/190), this.y(170/190),         this.x(0), this.y(125/190),         this.x(0), this.y(1)     );     ctx.fill();      this.flp = false;      ctx.restore(); }  function drawstar(ctx,x,y,height) {      var pnts = 5,         rad = height/(1-math.cos(0.8*math.pi));      this.x = function(p,dst){         return dst * math.sin( (p/pnts)*2*math.pi );     }     this.y = function(p,dst){         return dst * math.cos( (p/pnts)*2*math.pi ) * -1;     }     this.movepct = function(a,b,pct){         var f = (function(x){                 var m = (b.y-a.y)/(b.x-a.x);                 return m*x+(a.y-(a.x*m));             }).bind(),             r = b.x - a.x,             point = {};          point.x = a.x+(r*pct);         point.y = f(point.x);          return point;     }     this.transpoints = function(s,p,e,pct){         var sp = this.movepct(s,p,pct),             ep = this.movepct(e,p,pct);          return [sp,ep];     };      ctx.translate( x+rad, y+rad );     ctx.fillstyle = "#ffff00";      ctx.beginpath();      for(var i=0;i<pnts;i++){         var dst = rad/2,             s = { x: this.x( i+0.5, dst ),                   y: this.y( i+0.5, dst ) },             p = { x: this.x( i+1, rad ),                   y: this.y( i+1, rad ) },             e = { x: this.x( i+1.5, dst ),                   y: this.y( i+1.5, dst ) },             t = this.transpoints(s,p,e,.75);          if(i==0){ ctx.moveto( s.x, s.y ); }          ctx.lineto(t[0].x, t[0].y);         ctx.quadraticcurveto(p.x, p.y, t[1].x, t[1].y);         ctx.lineto(e.x, e.y);     }     ctx.fill();      ctx.restore();  }  function draw(c) {      var ctx = c.getcontext("2d");      this.x = function(r){ return c.width*r; }     this.y = function(r){ return c.height*r; }      ctx.shadowblur=this.y(1/19);     ctx.shadowcolor="black";      //drawstar( ctx, this.x(-3/19), this.y(-1/19), this.y(20/19) );     drawprofile( ctx, this.x(6/19), this.y(1/19), this.x(18/19), this.y(18/19) );       if(0){         ctx.clearrect( this.x(1), this.y(0), this.x(1), this.y(1) );         ctx.clearrect( this.x(0), this.y(1), this.x(1), this.y(1) );     }  }  draw( document.getelementbyid("mycanvas") ); 

you're using this in functions. in context here, this bound window (there lots of resources out there how use this, , you're doing incorrectly).

in each function use this, is bound same thing (window) over-write each other's variables. (this because of way you're using functions. if newed them different story).


  1. your draw() method sets this.x, window.x,
  2. then passes drawstar() argument
  3. the drawstar() function method changes value of this.x (which window.x) , returns draw()
  4. then draw() calls drawprofile() this.x (which window.x), except time value function rather float value wanted be.
  5. drawprofile expected argument float, it's function

(for x read x , y)

you can closures , variables. remove thises , program work. probably.


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