Facebook Login for Android App with release key -

i trying release app on google play. have facebook login in app. until yesterday working fine till time running application debug.keystore. when use own release key , sign application facebook doesn't login , cant seem figure out why.

followed link , did meth : so : key-hash-for-android-facebook-app

i changed machines, changed platforms (windows , mac osx ml) solution same issue. not log in. below code gives me proper hash key when use debug.keystore when sign application different keys same hashkey ( have come conclusion after lots of trials key wrong)

packageinfo info; try {     info = getpackagemanager().getpackageinfo("com.you.name", packagemanager.get_signatures);     (signature signature : info.signatures) {         messagedigest md;         md = messagedigest.getinstance("sha");         md.update(signature.tobytearray());         string = new string(base64.encode(md.digest(), 0));         //string = new string(base64.encodebytes(md.digest()));         log.e("hash key", something);     } } catch (namenotfoundexception e1) {     log.e("name not found", e1.tostring()); } catch (nosuchalgorithmexception e) {     log.e("no such algorithm", e.tostring()); } catch (exception e) {     log.e("exception", e.tostring()); } 

so there kind of steps need take when signing application release key. please help.

here did solved problem:

  1. used openssl-0.9.8e_win32 instead of openssl-0.9.8k_win32
  2. i not using alias in following or maybe entering space in alias because of key generated wrong.

i used instead:

keytool -exportcert -alias <aliasnameuseinreleasekeystore> -keystore <releasekeystorefilepath> | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64 

p.s. method have posted in question useless. did nothing more confuse me no end.


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