Sqoop Incremental Import lastmodified: Howto merge Avro? -

after running 2 incremental imports of same table import_old , import_new using --as--avrofile don't know , not able merge two.

i see following exception:

java.lang.numberformatexception: input string: ""fields":[{"name":"cluster_id""

is there avro --jar-file or --class-name can use?

it must simple, don't trick. use following sqoop version:

sqoop 1.4.3 / git commit id 82fde21d0f6c89059bade4588f3ba6989989dc76 / compiled hari on tue feb 26 11:28:37 pst 2013`

sqoop not support merge of avro files (which required incremental import in lastmodified mode). there jira sqoop-1094 add such support.


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