apache - multiple internal rewrites not working as expected -

i'm having .htaccess troubles.

i take following url: /index2/ internally rewritten to /index2.html

in .htaccess file have:

    rewriteengine on     rewriterule ^(.*)/$ $1.html [l] 

but url evanjerkunica/index2/ says: requested url /redirect:/index2.html.html.html not found on server.

any idea why keeps getting rewritten internally? thank help!!

you need check html exists before apply rule. can condition:

rewriteengine on  # extract pathname capture group rewritecond %{request_uri} ^/(.*?)/?$  # test see if pathname + .html exists file rewritecond %{document_root}%1.html -f  # if both conditions true, apply rule: rewriterule ^(.*?)/?$ $1.html [l] 


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