animation - How to animate a path on canvas - android -

is possible attach animator path? there other way draw on canvas animated lines? searched before post , there nothing this. in 2 other posts here , here there walk around solutions , not fit me. thank you!

i post code inside ondraw method specify want.

paint.setstyle(;     paint.setstrokewidth(2);     paint.setcolor(;      path path = new path();     path.moveto(10, 50);   // transformations animated!!!!!!!!     path.lineto(40, 50);     path.moveto(40, 50);     path.lineto(50, 40);     // , on...       canvas.drawpath(path, paint); 

any ideas????

you can transform canvas time, i.e:

class myview extends view {      int framespersecond = 60;     long animationduration = 10000; // 10 seconds      matrix matrix = new matrix(); // transformation matrix      path path = new path();       // path     paint paint = new paint();    // paint      long starttime;      public myview(context context) {         super(context);          // start animation:         this.starttime = system.currenttimemillis();         this.postinvalidate();      }      @override     protected void ondraw(canvas canvas) {          long elapsedtime = system.currenttimemillis() - starttime;          matrix.postrotate(30 * elapsedtime/1000);        // rotate 30° every second         matrix.posttranslate(100 * elapsedtime/1000, 0); // move 100 pixels right         // other transformations...          canvas.concat(matrix);        // call before drawing on canvas!!          canvas.drawpath(path, paint); // draw on canvas          if(elapsedtime < animationduration)             this.postinvalidatedelayed( 1000 / framespersecond);     }  } 


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