math - How to get an area (multiple 2) of LocationRect in bing maps? -

i have application using bing maps.

i can boundary of current show map - example, if map on canada, boundary of canada (a rectangle):

 locationrect bounds = map.bounds; 

bounds has - height, width, east(point of type double), west, north, south, center.

how can bounds * 2? (in math think it's area * 2).


i have bounds of map (a rectangle). want enlarge bounds bigger twice.

if rectangle 2cm, 5cm -> become 4cm, 10cm.


if understand wight simple question if not... :-)

you have black rectangle know abcd coordinates.

calculate distance between ad y , the distance between ab x.

in order get efhg coordinates of new rectangle need follow sketck, add or subtract vertexes coorinates oof black rectangle in order blue rectangle.

of course need check time coordinates of blue rectangle not exceed maximum coordinates of map.


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