java - 80+ R cannot be resolved to a variable errors and No resource found that matches the given name -

all of sudden i'm getting 80+ r cannot resolved variable errors after modifying strings.xml file. i'm not sure i've done cause issue i've wrecked project somehow , when check network drive workspace resides - strings files there , can open in eclipse , see supposed "missing strings" eclipse states: no resource found matches given name regardless of fact strings infact there.

steps taken:

clean project

examine strings.xml abnormalities (none found)

restart eclipse


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources>        <string name="hello">welcome <b>straight talk wireless!</b></string>     <string name="app_name">straight talk data settings</string>     <string name="display_name">data settings</string>     <string name="initial_sm_dialog">the apn settings on phone updated straight talk wireless network can use data , picture messaging.</string>     <string name="unchanged_sm_dialog">the apn settings have not been updated <b>straight talk mobile network</b></string>     <string name="changed_sm_dialog">the apn settings have been updated <b>straight talk mobile network</b></string>     <string name="insert_sm_dialog">error:   \r\nplease insert straight talk sim unlocked gsm phone , re-run app.</string>     <string name="incomp_sm_dialog">error:   incompatible device.\r\nplease use unlocked gsm phone straight talk sim.</string>     <string name="security_sm_dialog">please manually enter straight talk apn settings on device below information:\r\nname:\straighttalk\r\napn:\straight talk\r\nmmsc:\t\r\nmcc:\t310\r\nmnc:\t260</string>     <string name="security_instr">it looks you’re running android os ice cream sandwich or later.         \r\nno worries, please follow below steps:         \r\n1.  write down these settings: </string>     <string name="under_settings">2.    click button below says “take me update settings”         \r\n3.  click menu button you’ll see on next screen         \r\n4.  click “new apn” , enter fields wrote down</string>     <string name="security_sm_dialog_t">please manually enter straight talk apn settings on device.\r\n<table><tr><td>name:</td><td>straight talk</td></tr><tr><td>apn:</td><td>straighttalk</td></tr><tr><td>mmsc:</td><td>t</td></tr></table></string>     <string name="assited_title">assisted data settings</string>     <string name="assited_steps">1. create new data profile selecting menu>new apn.         \n\n2.  select straight talk notification , paste value in corresponding field in new data profile.         \n\n3.  continue doing until there no more straight talk mobile notifications.         \n\n4.  save new profile , exit.         \n\n5.  select straight talk profile default , done.</string>     <string name="assisted_button">create new data profile</string>     <string name="finish_alert_title">almost complete</string>     <string name="complete_steps">1.    press menu>save         \n\n2.  select straight talk profile default , done.</string>     <string name="update_text">by choosing update, apn settings on cell phone automatically updated , able access data on straight talk network.\n\n\n\n</string>     <string name="updating_text">loading apn settings...\n\n\n\n</string>     <string name="error_text">we couldn’t retrieve settings. please try again later. might better results in hour.\n\n\n\n</string>     <string name="visit_text">if doesn’t work, please visit</string>     <string name="oops_text">oops!</string>     <string name="updated_text">your settings updated. reboot phone. if doesn’t work, go find specific instructions handset.</string>     <string name="updated_text2">your settings updated.</string>     <string name="tryagain_text1">&lt;font color="#29abf2">oops!&lt;/font></string>     <string name="tryagain_text2"> &lt;font color="#00000">we couldn\'t retrieve settings. please try again might better results in hour.&lt;/font </string>     <string name="tryagain_text3">&lt;font color="#00000">if doesn\'t work, please visit&lt;/font> &lt;font color="#29abf2">&lt;b>         <string name="url_text"></string>         <string name="start_text">easily set data settings apn mobile app.</string>         <string name="start_text2">easily set data settings\n apn mobile app.</string>         <string name="done_text">reboot phone , you’ll have access web , picture messaging.</string>         <string name="apn_app_text_cta2">you’re going need edit few of phone’s settings. enhanced security on newer versions of android not allow apn settings automatically updated. don’t worry; walk through step step.</string>         <string name="apn_app_text_instr">we send series of (%1$s) &lt;font color="#ff000000">&lt;b>notifications&lt;/b>&lt;/font> cell phone. need complete each step in order update settings.&lt;br>&lt;br>please take moment read each of following instructions. once you’re finished reading instructions click let’s started button begin receiving notifications</string><string name="apn_app_text_instr2">1. need add &lt;font color="#ff000000">&lt;b>new apn profile&lt;/b>&lt;/font> before start notifications. if need instructions on how this, please refer device’s user or manufacture’s manual. &lt;br>&lt;br>2. &lt;font color="#ff000000">&lt;b>pull down&lt;/b>&lt;/font> notification screen. once have done information needs updated copied clipboard. &lt;br>&lt;br>3. must &lt;font color="#ff000000">&lt;b>tap , hold&lt;/b>&lt;/font> field presented you. &lt;font color="#ff000000">&lt;b>release,&lt;/b>&lt;/font> , copied information pasted field. &lt;br>&lt;br>4. &lt;font color="#ff000000">&lt;b>pull down&lt;/b>&lt;/font> the notication screen. once have done this, information needs updated copied clipboard.&lt;br></string><string name="apn_app_text_instr3">5. complete series of (%1$s) notification steps. &lt;br>&lt;br>6. &lt;font color="#ff000000">&lt;b>save&lt;/b>&lt;/font> new profile , exit. &lt;br>&lt;br>7. &lt;font color="#ff000000">&lt;b>select&lt;/b>&lt;/font> straight talk apn profile default. &lt;br>&lt;br>8. sure &lt;font color="#ff000000">&lt;b>delete&lt;/b>&lt;/font> other apns, if possible.</string>         <string name="delete_notif_title">(delete other apns)</string>         <string name="delete_notif_content">select them, press \"menu\" , delete them if phone allows it.</string>         <string name="reboot_notif_title">(reboot phone)</string>         <string name="reboot_notif_content">if doesn\'t work, go to:\</string>         <string name="read_again_text"><b><u>read instructions again</u></b></string>         <string name="mcc_label">mcc</string>         <string name="mcc">310</string>         <string name="type_label">apn type</string>         <string name="type">default,mms,supl</string>         <string name="config_name_label">name</string>         <string name="config_sm_name">straight talk wireless</string>         <string name="apn_label">apn</string>         <string name="apn_sm_addr">straighttalk</string>         <string name="mmsc_label">mmsc</string>         <string name="mmsc_sm_url"></string>         <string name="mnc_label">mnc</string>         <string name="mnc_tmo">260</string>         <string name="mnc_att">410</string>         <string name="numeric_tmo">310260</string>         <string name="proxy_sm_addr"></string>         <string name="proxy_sm_port"></string>         <string name="mmsproxy_sm"></string>         <string name="mmsport_sm"></string>         <string name="authtype"></string>         <string name="user"></string>         <string name="password"></string>         <string name="server"></string>         <string name="protocol"></string>         <string name="authtype_sm">0</string>         <string name="numeric_att">310410</string>         <string name="instructions_1">test string</string>         <string name="done_text1">test string2</string></string>   </resources> 

there's redundant closing </string> tag on last entry , no closing tag tryagain_text3. other that, have checked file xml valid?


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