javascript - In Safari on iPad is there a way to stop the page rubber banding BUT still allow overflows too scroll? -

there's lot of snippets stop rubber-banding on ipad, 1 below:

document.body.addeventlistener('touchmove',function(event){ event.preventdefault(); },false); 

however has unwanted effect of preventing divs overflows on them scrolling too?

is there way top page (body) rubber-banding while still allowing overflowed-scrolled divs so?

the rubber-banding of entire page seems happen when user scrolling bottom or top of div. code i've written checks see if user indeed @ 1 of extremes , if prevents scrolling action happening in directions.

elem.bind("touchstart", function( e ) {     xstart = e.originalevent.changedtouches[0].screenx;     ystart = e.originalevent.changedtouches[0].screeny; });  elem.bind("touchmove", function( e ) {     var xmovement = e.originalevent.changedtouches[0].screenx - xstart;     var ymovement = e.originalevent.changedtouches[0].screeny - ystart;      if( elem.scrolltop() == (elem[0].scrollheight - elem[0].clientheight) && ymovement < 0 )     {         e.preventdefault();     }     else if( elem.scrolltop() == 0 && ymovement > 0 )     {         e.preventdefault();     }     e.stoppropagation(); }); 

update: including working jsfiddle demo link:


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